What aspects of darla deardorffs pyramid model

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Reference no: EM131095762 , Length:

In the following video, the concept of cultural competency will be discussed in the health care setting from both the perception of the healthcare workers and those of patients: Cultural Competence for Healthcare Providers.

After watching this video, answer the following questions:

1. What aspects of Darla Deardorff's (2006) Pyramid Model of Intercultural Competence did you see in the video? Please be specific. What didn't you see?

2- If you were working with the producers of this video, what recommendations would you give them to help strengthen the discussion of cultural competency ?

3. How could you apply Deardorff's Pyramid Model of Intercultural Competence within your own workplace?

Do you think paying attention to this model would help your organization build a more culturally competent workplace? and Why

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Reference no: EM131095762

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