Reference no: EM133672545
As we near the end of this course, it's time to revisit the Cultural Humility Self-Assessment Survey. You first completed this survey at the start of the semester. Retake this survey with your evolved understanding and insights after immersing yourself in the learning journey.
After taking the self-assessment cultural humility survey, please reflect on the following questions.
• How did it feel to retake this survey? Were there any unexpected emotions or realizations that arose this time around?
• Did your results align with your expectations or were you surprised? If your results deviated from what you expected, in what ways did they differ?
• What aspects of cultural humility and DEI sparked your curiosity and excitement throughout this course?
• Reflecting on your results and initial thoughts, how do you foresee using the knowledge and skills you've gained in this course in your future personal and professional life?
Remember, reflection is a deeply personal and introspective process. It's about understanding your journey through this course, the growth you've experienced, and the changes in your perspectives. There are no right or wrong answers - just your truth.