What aspect of the value chain are they measuring

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Reference no: EM131526287

Assignment : Discussion-Key Performance Measures and the Business Culture

Business culture is the context in which the measures exist. They are bound to each other in terms of context and environment.

Understanding business metrics as key performance measures is an important part of business strategy and management. In this assignment, you will look at financial performance measures.

Financial performance measures are vitally important to assessing corporate performance. However, financial measures are primarily backward looking in that they measure the results of past actions, and do not always give a reliable indication of future direction.

Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following for your own organization:

Give three examples of key performance measures that are forward looking and more predictive.

What aspect of the value chain are they measuring?

How do these measures tie to specific strategies in your business unit?

Does the business' culture enable or block its business strategy and/or does it have an effect on financial performance in the value chain? Provide a rationale in support of your answer.

What are cultural norms that govern the organization, and what types of behaviors does the culture promote or punish?

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

By review and comment on at least two peers' responses.

Consider the following when you respond to your peers' posts:

Comment on which you found most helpful and the reasons you found them helpful. Provide a citation or resource to each response based on your learning or research.

Comment on one of the measures described in your peers' posts about how their organizations are alike or different from your own organization.

Explain how your organization might benefit from considering the measures stated by your peers.

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Reference no: EM131526287

Questions Cloud

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Differentiate proprietorship partnership or corporation : A corporation, organized in accordance with state or federal statutes, is a separate legal entity in which ownership is divided into shares of stock.
Which avoids the use of first person pronouns : Once again, this paper must be written in third person, which avoids the use of first person pronouns: no I, no me, no my, no we!
What aspect of the value chain are they measuring : Give three examples of key performance measures that are forward looking and more predictive.What aspect of the value chain are they measuring?
Discuss the relationship between assets and liabilities : The resources owned by a business are called assets. The debts of the business are called liabilities and the equity of the owners is called stockholders.
Discuss methods of measuring intellectual functioning : Discuss methods of measuring intellectual functioning. Discuss how the concept of intelligence is different from academic achievement
How much do you need to pay every month : You have just made a loan of $5000. How much do you need to pay every month if the interest rate is 8% and the life of the loan is 3 years?
What return is investment offering : Beginning on your child's 18th birthday, the plan will provide $15,000 per year for four years. What return is this investment offering?


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