What article was about and how you can use it in section

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133609341


For the Triangular Traffic, how did this impact those involved? (positive and negative please)

The group sketch is an extension of the contract with five to seven lines on the subtopic (triangular traffic) you plan to write on; indicate some of the documents you plan to read and include in your paper as references. Find articles that you're going to reference, and begin a detailed description of what the article was about and how you can use it in your section. Make sure to include the links somewhere near your notations.

A sketch is like an " expanded contract." It is based on the contract but you write additional sentences. This means that you take the contract and indicate what you are planning to write on by adding a few (10 lines or more) sentences, elaborating on the topic above about triangular traffic and expanding on the ideas the authors will write on in their sections.

Reference no: EM133609341

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