Reference no: EM132266635
Part 1: There is a range of school models that exist within our school communities, all of which have the goal of helping students achieve their potential.
You will need to interview two teachers, principals, or teaching support staff members from two different schools to complete this assignment. Although it is not necessary, you should try to visit each site.
Each school must be a different school model as discussed in the readings. Compare and contrast the two schools based on what you learn from your visits and/or interviews.
The goal is to analyze the two different school models, compare the type of teaching and learning that occurs within each, understand what each school has identified as a priority, and understand what each school or classroom has determined is the top issue(s).
In addition to identifying key statistics, such as the type of school, demographics, and student-to-teacher ratio, use the following questions as a guide for your observation/interview:
a. What are the most important issues you currently face in ensuring all students achieve their potential?
b. How are you addressing these issues?
c. What role does technology play in classrooms to support teaching and learning?
d. If you had to choose one subject area that your students need the most support in mastering, what would it be?
e. What do you see as the most important skills to be taught?
f. How would you identify 21st-century skills?
g. How would you describe the teaching in your classroom?
h. What role do you see students having in the teaching and learning process? Teachers?
i. How has teaching changed over the years?
j. What are the key issues you currently face?
Part 2: Place the information you glean from your interviews in a chart similar to the one below. This project is designed to give you insights into the real-life issues, topics, and complexities that practitioners address daily while also providing a forum for you to reflect on your beliefs and practices.
Once the chart is complete, you should include a two- to three-page summary, identifying the implications of what you gleaned from your research on your own practice.
Questions to consider in your summary are:
a. What did you learn from the visits?
b. What are the implications for your own teaching and learning? Your philosophy of education?
c. What areas of new knowledge do you plan to explore?
d. How was your thinking different or similar?
e. How would you address some of the issues in your classroom?
f. How would you prioritize the work in these classrooms if you were the teacher?
g. What role could technology play in assisting with the work?
h. Reflect on the ISTE Standards for Teachers (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. you reviewed last week and share any insights related to your research.
School A
School B
Differences/Similarities identified between schools. Points to consider.
Type of School
Total Population/
Student to Teacher Ratio
Key Issues Facing
Role of Technology
21st Century Skills
Please support your claims and assertions with the literature and information from the interview. For your references, you should use the course textbook, the videos, and resources for this week, as well as at least two peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library.
This assignment should be three to five pages in length plus a title page and reference page. Be sure to also save a copy of your assignment for your Final Project and for future professional development.
Required Resources
Lopez, D. (2013). No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools. (2nd ed.) Turnaround Schools Publications.
· Chapter 1: Five Whispered Words
This chapter introduces you to the early life of the author and his parents' influence on his education.
· Chapter 2: Let's Be the Research
This chapter introduces the author's years as an educator/administrator and his motivation to enact change.
· Chapter 3: Finding Possible in the Impossible
This chapter continues the author's years as an educator/administrator and the realization that change is possible in any school
· Chapter 4: No Excuses University
This chapter addresses the No Excuses University philosophy and introduces the six exceptional systems: Culture of Universal Achievement, Collaboration, Standards Alignment, Assessment, Data Management, and Interventions.
· Chapter 5: Culture of Universal Achievement
This chapter addresses the importance of creating a positive school culture that supports student success and promotes cultural awareness.
Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots (2nd ed.).
· Chapter 1: The Changing Landscape of the Classroom
This chapter introduces the set of twenty-first century skills that students will need to master in order to be successful in the global marketplace. It also examines a variety of divergent and innovative teaching models being implemented in classrooms and schools that are reshaping the role of the student and teacher in the learning process.
· Chapter 2: Schooling in America: Today's Models
This chapter introduces the accountability measures and laws that have impacted school funding and raised expectations for results in schools. It also examines the variety of school choice options that exists and the similarities and differences of these models.
· Chapter 3: Who are Today's Students?
This chapter introduces some of the most common elements of classroom diversity and explains why understanding your own core beliefs and biases is important to being an effective teacher, leader, and learner.
Robert Swanwick. (2011, December 14). New classrooms overview part 1 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file].
Describes the factory model of education our schools continue to exist in and a vision for the future that is vastly different.
Slowtortise. (2011, January 18). 21st century education
Describes the changing nature of education and how the world our students live in is vastly different from just a few years ago.
Recommended Resources
Churches, A. (2009). Teaching skills: What 21st century educators need to learn to survive.
O'Neal, C., Meizlish, D., & Kaplan, M. (2007). Writing a statement of teaching philosophy for the academic job search. Center for Research on Learning and Teaching.
Provide an overview of writing an effective statement of teaching philosophy. This paper offers an excellent rubric to evaluate your statement of philosophy.
Kyger, J. (2016). Getting started with Screencast-O-matic (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video File].
This presentation provides a brief tutorial of how to create a presentation using Screencast-O-matic.
Teaching Style Survey (Grasha-Riechmann) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Survey]. (n.d.).
TED Talks. (2013, February). Sugata Mitra: Build a school in the cloud (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video file].
This Ted Talk describes the ability of students in India to learn on their own form one another independent of a formal teacher.