What are your thoughts on the ethics of war using the weapon

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131451650


Watch any videos on the decision to drop the atomic bomb via YouTube, History.com, etc.

Write a 600-word response to the following question:

Do you think President Truman was right or wrong in his decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why?

What are your thoughts on the "ethics" of war / using the weapon? Was it ethical?

Format your response consistent with APA guidelines.


Reference no: EM131451650

Questions Cloud

Explain use of sustainability in customer driven markets : provide an opinion (complete with citations) either for or against (skepticism) the successful use of sustainability in customer driven markets
Discuss the normalize table to third normal form : For all text and image submissions, use MS Word, which is available to you within the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
Evaluate how you are performing : Build in feedback mechanisms to assess goal progress. Feedback lets you know whether your level of effort is sufficient to attain the goal.
Calculate the gross proceeds per share : Calculate the gross proceeds per share.
What are your thoughts on the ethics of war using the weapon : Do you think President Truman was right or wrong in his decision. What are your thoughts on the "ethics" of war / using the weapon? Was it ethical?
Calculate the net proceeds to renee’s from the sale of debt : Renee’s Boutique, Inc., needs to raise $58.16 million to finance firm expansion. Calculate the net proceeds to Renee’s from the sale of the debt.
Evaluate the investment in nelson training program : Gourmet Foods is a huge grocery and drug company. It has more than 2400 supermarkets, and its Premier and Polar brands make it the fifth-largest drugstore.
Describe possible lan topologies that could be used : IT 340 : Compare the identified LAN topology possibilities based on their relative strengths and weaknesses in regard to support practices.
What is the expected return of the two asset portfolio : What fraction y of the investor’s funds should be invested in the risky portfolio? What is the expected return of the two asset portfolio?


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