What are your thoughts on introducing innovation

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13162850 , Length: 400 words

A key comment I would like to make is about prescriptive frameworks that essentially follows my main concern with self-assessment checklists, which is the constraints around innovation. I have been an advocate of best practice standardization in several companies and implemented several best practice teams to help develop standards when they did not initially exist. When a standard framework or process document is missing then I understand that it is critically important to develop and communicate one as quickly as possible. In this situation I typically bring together a cross functional team to get different points of view and buy in on a standard framework. I am a strong proponent of considering this a "living" document that we revisit periodically as a group to de termine if improvements need to be made. This is really important as industry dynamics change and new technology is introduced that could create quality improvements or efficiency if the current framework is enhanced.

QUESTION: What are your thoughts on introducing innovation into the framework?

Word count : 400

Referencing style: Harvard referencing style

Reference no: EM13162850

Questions Cloud

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