What are your thoughts on assertion

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132321648

In the following statement "...the sole purpose of a business is to make a profit" - do you believe that should be the goal of every company? I am not saying it is right or that it is wrong, I want to see what you can do with this assertion. As an investor, I may agree with this statement ... as a member of society I may not agree with this statement. What are your thoughts on this assertion? Should the profits be the sole motivation of a company? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132321648

Questions Cloud

Make contact with social planner : Make contact with a social planner (wedding or other type of social event) and spend at least a half-day with them to learn their responsibilities and routine.
Distinct type of cultures masculine and feminine cultures : According to House, et al., there are two very distinct type of cultures masculine and feminine cultures.
Key performance indicators in business : What are the benefits of using Key Performance Indicators in business?
Forecasting for cash needs : The ability to forecast the upcoming needs is important - but probably the most important, yet often overlooked need is that of cash.
What are your thoughts on assertion : What are your thoughts on this assertion? Should the profits be the sole motivation of a company? Why or why not?
Imposes on the financial management of healthcare facility : As an administrator, what are the implications of this law imposes on the financial management of the healthcare facility?
Identify the purpose of paragraph : Read the following paragraphs about three films and then identify the purpose of each paragraph.
What role does human resources play : Over the last several decades, the healthcare field has changed significantly. Technology, advancements in medicine and new innovative approaches to treatment.
What are microsoft corporate social responsibility programs : What are Microsoft corporate social responsibility programs or initiatives in place to contribute to the community in some way?


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