Reference no: EM133692953
Part I
A. What have you found to be effective in developing rapport when you engage with clients? How do you know when you've engaged the client, and they are ready to move on to the next step of the planned change process?
B. What types of assessments have you been involved in at your agency (Juvenile Justice Center) or seen used at your agency? What is your level of comfort and familiarity with the assessment process? Remember that assessment is ongoing and not limited to initial or intake assessments.
C. Are interventions tailored to diverse clients at your agency (Juvenile Justice Center)? If so, provide some examples. If not, how do you think they should be tailored?
D. What types of formal and informal evaluations are done at your field agency (Juvenile Justice Center) to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and provided services? Does your agency modify its strategies based on the results of the evaluations? What evaluation tools does your agency use and/or what tools would you suggest your agency employ for evaluation?
E. How do the four stages of the planned change process relate to each other and build on the work that has been done at each previous stage?
Part II
A. What critical thinking skills are needed for the leader committed to social justice to effectively communicate at all levels of practice?
B. Which ethical competencies (from the Code of Ethics) are most closely related to the characteristics of an effective leader committed to social justice?
C. What vision of the world do you have that if achieved by you and others during your professional careers, would allow you to consider yourself successful in your social work career?
D. Do you envision yourself becoming a transformational leader? If so, how do you see yourself developing into that type of leader? What skills, knowledge, and abilities do you need to be a transformational leader? If not, why not?
E. What are your thoughts about being a world changer?