What are your thoughts

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Reference no: EM133669942

Problem: We are introduced to five models of blended sentencing statutes which are intended to provide both juvenile and adult criminal courts with a greater range of dispositional and/or sentencing options. After you review these models, what are your thoughts? Do these models align with the individualized treatment emphasis of the juvenile court or are they potentially expanding waivers to criminal court and punitive sentencing options?

Reference no: EM133669942

Questions Cloud

Define adaptive immunity : What types of cells are found in large numbers in lymph nodes, fighting invading microorganisms? Define innate (non-specific) immunity.
Describe how organizations can mitigate the risks : Describe how organizations can mitigate these risks. Determine the effect of penetration testing and any applicable laws on VPNs.
What is the incidence : What is the incidence? Are there any risk factors? What are the signs & symptoms?
Explain your views on the responsibility of public servants : Explain your views on the responsibility of public servants in the criminal justice system to understand the importance of ethical behavior.
What are your thoughts : After you review these models, what are your thoughts? Do these models align with the individualized treatment emphasis of the juvenile court.
Do you agree with the juvenile judges disposition : Do you agree with the juvenile judge's disposition? Why or why not? What other conditions would you include in Susan R's. disposition?
Develop skills in advocacy practice : Masters of social work program currently supports students who want to develop skills in advocacy practice.
Address the key issues identified with each concern : Address the key issues identified with each concern in the reading materials, videos, and PowerPoints within this module.
Relationship between doctors and healers : Why did the local hospital decide to cultivate a relationship between doctors and healers? Were the healers receptive to the idea?


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