Reference no: EM131010213
Race and Ethnicity-
I - Race Reflection Three: The Implicit Association Test-Exploring Our Racial Attitudes
The Activity: How do our implicit biases impact our views of other racial groups and our social interactions with them? This reflection activity is designed for you to answer the aforementioned and explore your own implicit biases through completing the Race and Skin Tone Implicit Association Test through Harvard University. You will need to go to: and agree to take a test.
Directions for Completing the Test: After you agree to take the test, choose the RACE IAT and click next to the green check mark to begin. Complete the test and be sure to take note of your results. Repeat the same steps for completing the SKIN TONE IAT. Then using the following link: read about criticisms of the IAT test.
II - Race Reflection One: Reflecting on your Racial and Ethnic Identity
The Activity: This reflection asks you to think critically about your own racial/ethnic identities and how you understand and experience them. Your reflection should be organized to respond to the following prompts:
A. Reflect on your own racial and ethnic identities, tying them into history, culture, and the social construction of these categories. Consider:
a. What are your racial and ethnic identities? Where did they come from? How do you know them? How are they reproduced in your life?
b. How do they interact with other parts of your identity? Are they important to you? Why?
c. Determine whether or not your racial/ethnic identity is dominant or subordinate. Provide a real life example of how this identity has privileged or disadvantaged you.
d. Does your racial/ethnic identity cause confusion or distress either to you or to others? How and why?
What is happening in the markets today
: Relate your thoughts to the fundamental "valuation" concepts discussed in the readings for bonds and stocks.
Analyse the effectiveness of change management
: Develop a critical awareness of current factors affecting leading and managing people and to demonstrate how effective policies can add value to the business strategic goals.
Find the probability distribution
: a. Find the probability distribution of d1 and display it in a table. b. What is the expected value of d1? c. What is the value of the standard deviation of d1?
Compute the line tangent to the given curve
: Find the line tangent to this curve when t = t0. Find the x- and y- intercepts for this tangent line. Describe what happens to the tangent line as t0 gets large.
What are your racial and ethnic identities
: What are your racial and ethnic identities? Where did they come from? How do you know them? How are they reproduced in your life
Single-wall corrugated shipping containers
: The article "Compression of Single-Wall Corrugated Shipping Containers Using Fixed andFloating Text Platens" (Journal of Testing and Evalua- tion [1992]: 318-320) described an experiment in which several different types of boxes were compared with ..
Compute the mean and standard deviation
: a. Compute the mean and standard deviation of x. b. Compute the mean and standard deviation of y. c. Compute the mean and variance of the total amount of money collected in tolls from cars.
Mean value of the random variable
: a. Why would the random variable y, defined as y 5 x2 2 x1, be of interest to the furniture manufacturer? b. What is the mean value of the random variable y? c. Assuming that x1 and x2 are independent, what is the standard deviation..
Calculate the maximum compression of the springs
: The stiffness of each spring is 30kNim and the initial resisting force in each spring before impact is 4.5kN. Using an energy method calculate the maximum compression of the springs.