Reference no: EM133242497
Ideology and Identity Questionnaire - Hitler Youth MemberComplete the questionnaire below as you would imagine an ardent and fullyindoctrinatedmember of the Hitler youth might complete it
Question 1. In your opinion are the most three most important character traits a personshould try to cultivate in themselves?
Question 2. If you were to get a small tattoo meant to symbolize the most important aspectof your identity.This would be placed somewhere on your body were peoplewould be likely to see it.What symbol would you choose and why?
Question 3. In your opinion, what are your main responsibilities to your society?
Question 4. What is best about the system of government you have in your country?
Question 5. What are the flaws in the system of government you have in your country? How can the system be improved?
Question 6. Who are your real-life heroes? What adult(s) would you like to emulate?
Question 7. What character qualities do these adult role models have that you would like to emulate?
Question 8. If you could identify a force, a group, or an idea that represents the biggest threat to your society and your way of life, what would you identify?
Question 9. Why is this force, group, or idea a threat? What aspects of your society and your way of life are threatened?
Question 10. How should society respond to those people whose cultural traditions and social practices are outside the practices of mainstream society?
Question 11. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important and 10 being the least important, rate the following qualities.