Reference no: EM131299508
1. Setup a CASE Tool.(ATTACHED)
1.1 Follow the instructions in the document in Lessons -> Week 2 -> Readings and Resources -> Case Tool Resources area for details and links for installing a Community Edition (free) of a Case Tool.(ATTACHED)This is at the bottom of the section.
2. Develop use cases
2.1 Using the Community Patient Portal System Part 1(ATTACHED) and Community Patient Portal System Part 2 (ATTACHED)case study , create a list of all actors. Create a definition for each actor. Use the format "A(n) actorName is a ...." and then complete the sentence. For example, "A Student is a Person who is enrolled in a University." Place your actors and definitions in a table with 2 columns, one for Actor and the other for the definition.
2.2 Use the user goal technique and/or the event decomposition technique to create a list of use cases for each actor identified above. A use case can be used by more than one actor. Define/describe each use case. Place the use cases and descriptions in a table with 2 columns, one for the Use Case name and the other for the Description/Definition.
2.3 Using the CASE tool, draw a UML use case diagram following the notation conventions in your textbook and CASE tool.
2.4 Use the event decomposition technique and create a list of use cases for each event. Name the event, state the type of event, and name and define the resulting use case.
3. Develop a class diagram
3.1 Using the two discussions for the CPPS case study and the noun analysis technique, identify potential classes from your noun analysis.
3.2 Create a table of the classes with the class name in one column and the definition in the other. For the definition, use the format "A(n) className is a ...." and then complete the sentence.
3.3 Identify the relationships among the classes.
3.4 Create a UML class diagram using the classes you have identified and add names to the associations and multiplicity constraints.
3.5 What are your impressions of the noun technique?
3.6 How can you use the CRUD technique to verify and validate your use cases?
Attachment:- Attachments.rar