Reference no: EM131516522
Questions: 1. What do you consider to be the top 3 - 5 priorities of your job as you understand them?
• I honestly think and consider every single job duty is a priority for me. I take my job seriously try my best to manage my time well.
2. What do you see as your greatest accomplishments over the past review period?
• I believe my greatest accomplishments where I have adopted lots of complex duties since my first day at Brighton. Duties such as Sales Use Tax, COGS Analysis, FG Analysis, Bank Rec's, P&L Analysis, and many more.
• I also happy to state that I have made huge short cut in repotting times by developing and building excel templates that manly helped me getting reports is a less time. Example; Jerry's Report that used to take the predecessor accountant a complete day of work I was able to achieve that task in less than three hours.
3. What factors impacted your job or your ability to perform your job during the review period?
4. Complete the following sentence.....I believe that my greatest contribution to the Department is?
• What is important for me was to become a responsible employee that managements can rely on and I believe I have shown and archived that repetition. I will consider this my biggest and greatest contribution at.
5. In what area would you like more experience or training in (please limit to 2)?
• I would love to dive in and do more analysis for my company. Inventory analysis, FG goods analysis and Budgeting
6. What are your strengths (things you do well) and how do you put them to use in your position?
• Excel is my favorite tool I am close to get my certificate "CFMS" Certified Financial Modeler Specialist. Excel has and continued to help me achieve so many tasks and projects because of that knowledge.
7. What are your weaknesses (things you don't do well) and how do they impact your job?
• My weakness I see in myself that I am workaholic
8. What are your goals and objectives for the coming year?
• I want to help my employer with more system process improvement and implementing of new reports and projects that will help us be more efficient at our jobs.
• I also want to see budgeting system for each department that tracked and managed by us
9. JOB KNOWLEDGE - Demonstrates expertise in the functional aspects of the job.
10. PRODUCTIVITY - Reflects the accuracy, volume, and timely manner in which work is performed. Also demonstrates ability to determine priorities and maximize efficiency.
11. COMMUNICATION/LISTENING SKILLS - Clearly expresses ideas. Readily shares appropriate work related information.
• Search in any healthy origination and you will find that communication is a big factor of success. I do carry communication with me in every day to day duty. I have achieved so many tasks and projects and big factor of that success was due to communication with others who helped me underrated better so I would deliver in best way possible.
12. CREATIVITY/INNOVATION - Explores and suggests new approaches and methods to effect departmental goals and responsibilities.
• Another factor I relied on at Brighton is to be creative "Always think out of the box or trying to get the big picture" I have shown that I have the ability to implement and develop new ideas and suggest new methods to help us become more efficient in our daily duties.
13. FLEXIBILITY - Adjusts performance to accommodate changes in departmental direction and processes.
14. INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS - builds productive rapport with employees at all levels within and outside the department. Treats others with fairness, dignity and respect.
15. TEAMWORK- Works collaboratively with fellow employees and others to achieve identified goals and objectives.