What are your finding and what do they mean for the artifact

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133656494

Homework: Business and Finance- Marketing

Research Paper

Paper Goals:

This paper is the capstone homework it requires you to use all that you have learned in order to produce a refined piece of rhetorical criticism. In the process of writing the paper, you should be able to:

I. Justify the artifact and your methodological choice
II. Advance and defend an insightful interpretation
III. Explain the relevance and applicability of the interpretation

Topic: Influence of Covid-19 on ongoing Marketing Practices

Paper Format:

I. Introduction

In this section, you should introduce your analysis. You should provide a bit of background, identify your research questions(s), and state your thesis for your interpretation.

This section should answer the reader's question: what is this paper about and how is it organized?

II. Study description

In this section, you should describe the artifact you are examining. In doing so, you should provide a description of the rhetorical situation/background of the artifact. You can discuss why the artifact is worth analyzing and/or talk about the consequences of the artifact (was it positively or negatively received?). After discussing the artifact, you need to talk about your method. In explaining how you approached your study, you should describe what theory of criticism you used as well as what steps you took to generate your data. For example, if you looked at multiple texts, explain how you determined which texts to examine.

This section should answer the reader's question: what are you studying, why is this artifact worth studying, and how did you study the artifact?

III. Analysis

In this section, you should explain and discuss your research findings. Remember that you are making an argument for your interpretation, so you should use evidence from the artifact to back up your analytical claims. There is no standard way of organizing this section since it will depend heavily on the nature of your artifact and study. However, you might try to organize this section according to your findings. For example, if there are three main metaphors you found in your artifact, this section could be broken up into a discussion of each metaphor. As you discuss your findings, you are generally doing two things: proving that the finding exists and explaining what the finding means for your critique.

This section should answer the reader's question: what are your findings and what do they mean for the artifact?

IV. Implications and conclusion

In this final section, you should take a step back from the close reading of your texts and talk a bit about the larger implications of your analysis.

This section should answer the reader's question: how do your findings apply to other artifacts?

Reference no: EM133656494

Questions Cloud

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What are your finding and what do they mean for the artifact : MKT 610- This section should answer the reader's question: what are your findings and what do they mean for the artifact?
Considered public health issue : Justification of the issue being considered a public health issue. Define the extent and magnitude of the issue
Why government adopts subsidies and price control policies : Explain why the government adopts subsidies and price control policies and State the pros and cons of subsidies and what are the consequences of these policies
Control of infection in skilled nursing facility : Determine which theory make most sense for implementing specific Evidenced based intervention in prevention and control of infection in skilled nursing facility
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, can be defined as a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems.


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