What are you majoring in and why

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Reference no: EM131507833

1- Listening Analysis- when did you failed to be an effective listener or when do people fail to be an effective listener-

Next, answer the following questions in one succinct paragraph
Where in the listening process did you break down? (Be sure to note the specific stage of the listening process that broke down
What was the reason you failed to listen effectively
What could you have done differently to improve your listening? (Should be done in MS word)

2- Self Review on Group Communication and Public Speaking- The following is an example how the attached assingnment should be done.
Example - Speech Assignment: Communicate on Your Feet

Introduce a Classmate

The Assignment

Following your instructor's directions, partner with someone in the class. Spend some time talking with this person, getting to know him or her, so that next class period you can give a short 2-minute speech introducing your partner to the rest of the class.

Questions to Ask

1. What is your background? (Where were you born and raised? What is the makeup of your family? What else do you want to share about your personal background?)

2. What are you majoring in and why?

3. What are some of your personal and professional goals after college?

4. What are two personal goals you have for this class and why?

5. What is something unique about you that most people probably don't know?

Speeches of Introduction

A speech of introduction is given to acquaint a group with someone they have not met. We make short "speeches" of introduction all the time. When a friend from high school comes to visit for a weekend, you introduce her to your friends. Not only will you tell them her name, but you will probably mention other things about her that will make it easy for your friends to talk with her. Likewise, a store manager may call the sales associates together in order to introduce a new hire. The manager might mention the new team member's previous experience, interests, and other items of information that will make it easy for the team to respect, help, and become acquainted with the new employee.

Speeches of introduction also often precede formal addresses. The goal of the introducer is to establish the credibility of the main speaker by letting the audience know the education, background, and expertise of the speaker related to the topic of the speech and to build audience interest. The introducer usually concludes by identifying the topic or title of the address.

Speech to Introduce a Classmate

Because your classmate will not be giving a formal address after you introduce him or her, we suggest you organize your speech as follows:

1. The introduction: Start with an attention catcher-a statement, story, or question tied to something about the speaker that will pique audience curiosity. Then offer a thesis and a preview of main points, which can be as simple as "I'm here today to introduce [name of person] to you by sharing something about his personal background, personal and professional goals, and something unique about him."

2. The body: Group the information you plan to share under two to four main points. For example, your first main point might be "personal background," your second main point "personal and professional goals," and your third main point "something unique." Then offer two or three examples or stories to illustrate what you learned regarding each main point. Create a transition statement to lead from the first main point to the second main point, as well as from the second main point to the third main point. These statements should remind listeners of the main point you are concluding and introduce the upcoming main point. For example, "Now that you know a little bit about [name of person]'s personal background, let's talk about his personal and professional goals."

3. The conclusion: Ideally, in your conclusion, you'll remind listeners of the name of the classmate you introduced and the two to four main points you discussed about him or her. Then, end with a clincher-a short sentence that wraps the speech up by referring to something you said in the speech (usually in the introduction) that will encourage listeners to want to know him or her better.
Develop Communication Skills Improvement Goals

To get the most from this course, we suggest that you write personal goals to improve specific skills in your own interpersonal, group, and public communication repertoire.

Before you can write a goal statement, you must first analyze your current communication skills repertoire. After you read each chapter and practice the skills described, select one or two skills to work on. Then write down your goal statement in four parts.

1. State the problem. Start by stating a communication problem that you have. For example: "Problem: Even though some of my group members in a team-based class project have not produced the work they promised, I haven't spoken up because I'm not very good at describing my feelings."

2. State the specific goal. A goal is specific if it is measurable and you know when you have achieved it. For example, to deal with the problem stated above, you might write: "Goal: To describe my disappointment to other group members about their failure to meet deadlines."

3. Outline a specific procedure for reaching the goal. To develop a plan for reaching your goal, first consult the chapter that covers the skill you wish to hone. Then translate the general steps recommended in the chapter to your specific situation. For example: "Procedure: I will practice the steps of describing feelings. (1) I will identify the specific feeling I am experiencing. (2) I will encode the emotion I am feeling accurately. (3) I will include what has triggered the feeling. (4) I will own the feeling as mine. (5) I will then put that procedure into operation when I am talking with my group members."

4. Devise a method of determining when the goal has been reached. A good goal is measurable, and the fourth part of your goal-setting effort is to determine your minimum requirements for knowing when you have achieved a given goal. For example: "Test for Achieving Goal: I will have achieved this goal when I have described my disappointment to my group members about missed deadlines."

At the end of each section, you will be challenged to develop a goal statement related to the material presented. Figure 1.2 provides another example of a communication improvement plan, this one relating to a public speaking problem.

Reference no: EM131507833

Questions Cloud

Define the epidemiological process : Write a page review of the process you went through and the results you obtained.Identify the disease found and define the epidemiological process.
Calculate the payback time for each alternative : Using information from E, complete an evaluation using NPV at 12% for both of the alternatives. Would either of the alternatives be a good investment for Dinah?
What is your perception of this tension : The ethos of scientism and postmodernism has exacerbated the perceived philosophical and cultural tension between science and religion.
Discuss the arr method : You have the following information about three electronic sales registers that are in the market. The owner of a restaurant asks for your help in deciding.
What are you majoring in and why : What are you majoring in and why - What are some of your personal and professional goals after college and What are two personal goals
Research to plan and implement a business idea : Every organization conducts research to plan and implement a business idea. In this project you will first identify a business that you can expand globally.
Scientific knowledge and breakthroughs : This would seem to include beliefs like religion. Similarly, postmodernism seems to do away with many beliefs and views of people who are religious.
Do you believe that strength of the relationship is strong : Based on Hill's criteria, do you believe that the strength of the relationship is as strong as you have been led to believe? Why, or why not?
Which would be best investment using payback period method : Using the information provided in P, which would be the best investment using the payback period method? If the owner wanted her cash back in less than 4 years.


Write a Review

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