What are web 2.0 tools

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13751837

Look at the Webby Awards. The Webby Awards are the Advertising Industry's awards for the best web sites in various categories. They evaluate web sites based upon the quality of their design and creativity. However, I want you to evaluate these web sites from a business perspective. Which web site cited in the Webby Awards do you like? Which do you think is not so great? Find one site (Webby Awards) that you like and one that you don't in any one of the following market categories:

Best Visual Design - Function
Consumer Electronics
Corporate Communications
Financial Services
IT Hardware / Software
Real Estate

What are Web 2.0 tools? How do Web 2.0 tools help businesses retain customers? Does the site you like use Web 2.0 tools? If so, how? If not, what Web 2.0 tool would be helpful towards achieving a business objective and/or gaining a competitive advantage?

Reference no: EM13751837

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