Reference no: EM133254808
HEED110: Introduction to Personal Health and Well-being
What are 2 types of communication that we use?
Why do you think that people are remaining single longer?
Why (or why not) has dating become more complex?
What are some risk factors that may lead to someone being involved in a violent relationship?
What is your love language? If you have a significant other, what is their love language? (you don't need to share your answer with the class here)
If you didn't know your significant other's love language, how could you find out?
What are some signs that someone may be in a dysfunctional relationship?
What are some signs of emotional abuse?
Why are more young adults continuing to live with their parents?
Why do you think young men are more likely to live at home versus females?
What types of gender roles have changed over the past century? List some examples.
What types of risky behaviors might college students take part in that could lead to unsafe sex?
In the article, "Sexually transmitted infection on the rise again in Alberta", what were some of the reasons experts believe STI rates are increasing?
In the article, which STIs have we seen increase?
What steps should you and your partner take in order to have safe sex?
What hormones are responsible for a female's menstrual cycle?
What are some syndromes/disorders females may experience before/during their menstrual cycle?
What are some health risks of amenorrhea? Why might it occur?