Reference no: EM133827910
Flores, J., Hawes, J., & Bhinder, B. (2020). Incarcerated Girls, Criminal Pathways and Multiple Forms of Abuse. Journal of Family Violence, 35(5), 509-518.
Development Services Group, Inc. 2022. "Racial and Ethnic Disparity (R/ED) in Juvenile Justice Processing." Literature review. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
After reading the materials, respond to the following:
1) What are two (2) things that you learned about juveniles and the disparities tied to diversity (you can highlight your learning regarding any aspect of diversity)? Explain the concepts and support your response with information from the readings.
2) Do you know anyone who has had (or has) a connection to the juvenile justice system? Based on what you have read, how do you think that diversity played a role in their experience? Do those experiences align with the readings? Why or why not?
3) Pose one question that you have regarding the readings.