What are two possible sites in the nerve and muscle

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133475626

Problem A. Caffeine is known to alter transmembrane movement of calcium. What are two possible sites/proteins in the nerve and/or muscle that caffeine can act upon?

Problem B. What might happen to muscle contraction if acetylcholinesterase were added to the preparation?

Problem C. If you were to induce muscle contractions at a level that mimics high-intensity exercise (90% maximum), what fuel(s) would you need to provide the muscle? How might that change if you were to mimic 20% exercise intensity?

Problem D. If you accidentally add too much caffeine to the preparation, the muscle stays contracted. Explain what is happening and what you might expect to see after some time.

Problem E. A motor unit includes a neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. Explain how the innervations and measurements of muscle tension might differ if the preparation was an eye muscle as compared to the quadriceps. (Hint: consider motor units)

Reference no: EM133475626

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