What are two of the biggest social or ethical issues

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133671945


  1. What are two of the biggest social or ethical issues or concerns that arise with the increased use of generative AI? Why are these issues or concerns so urgent? To answer, name TWO specific social or ethical issues described in the readings and explain, using specific examples, what makes these two issues so important in today's world. (Note: this answer should not be a statement of your opinion on this issue, but a reasoned argument based on the readings.)
  2. What Jewish ethical principle or principles might have been violated by the creators of the Tay chatbot? Explain which principle or principles may have been violated by Tay, what those principles are, and give specific examples of how Tay violated them.
  3. How could governments, educators, and the scientific community respond to generative AI in ways that would make it more ethical according to Jewish principles? To answer, you must explain the Jewish ethical principles that might govern the use of generative AI, illustrate this ethical claim with a specific example from the reading, describe what response or responses would bring this example of generative AI more in line with Jewish ethics, and explain how that would be accomplished by the response.

Reference no: EM133671945

Questions Cloud

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