Reference no: EM132600184
Task 1: Identify recruitment needs
Task 1.1: Question and answer
• Read the scenario information provided below
Q1: Complete the table listing your recruitment needs.
Q2: Other than last year's staffing levels, what are two examples of information that help you determine recruitment needs?
Q3: You are the concourse food manager. Who do you consult with when evaluating recruitment needs?
Q4: Who could you consult with about pay rates or salary for each position?
Q5: What are two key factors that affect pay rates in an award?
Q6: Name two positions in the human resources or other departments who will be involved in recruitment processes. Based on the information provided and the recruitment policy, briefly explain their general responsibilities in the recruitment process.
Q7: Based on the information provided and the recruitment policy, briefly explain the general responsibilities of managers/supervisors and the human resources department in the recruitment process.
- Managers and supervisors
- Human resources department
Q8: According to the organisation's recruitment policy, who must approval be obtained from before commencing recruitment processes?
Task 1.2: Develop job description
Using the job description template provided prepare a job description for each of the following positions.
- Concourse outlet supervisor - full-time
- Food and beverage store person - casual
- Customer information officer - volunteer
Use the internet to research relevant job roles and descriptions to assist in development of the job description, if necessary.
Job specification - position 1
Task 1.3: Develop person specification
- Complete Task 1.3 using the Information and templates Task 1.
- Complete the Job (person) specification templates provided
- Prepare a person specification for each job description prepared in Task 1.2.
- Use the internet to research relevant job roles and specifications to assist in the development of the person specification, if necessary.
Task 1.4: Develop selection criteria
- Complete Task 1.4 using the Information and templates Task 1.
- Complete the Selection criteria templates provided.
- Use the job descriptions and person specifications developed in Tasks 1.2 and 1.3 to prepare a list of key selection criteria for each position.
- Incorporate customer service attitudes and experiences into the selection criteria to ensure applicants are a good fit to the position.
Task 2: Administer recruitment processes
Task 2.1: Question and answer
Based on the job descriptions, person specifications and key selection criteria developed in Task 1 and the job skill requirements evaluate and determine the followingfor each position.
- Number of stages in the selection process for each position.
- Appropriate selection processes to be completed at each stage for each position.
- Personnel involved in selection processes at each stage: HR and/or departmental.
- Answer all the questions.
Q1: Complete the table listing your selection processes. Only complete information for the number of stages appropriate for each position.
Q2: Did you consider using a recruitment agencyfor any of the positions? Explain why/why not.
Q3: What tasks do you have to complete in preparation for when selection processes commence?
Task 2.2: Create advertisements
- Determine where you will advertise positions available at the stadium.
- Based on the job descriptions, person specifications and key selection criteria developed in Task 1, create a job advertisement for each position.
- The amount and type of information provided and wording style used in the advertisement must be appropriate for the selected advertising media and position advertised.
- All information provided and wording used in the advertisement must meet the requirements of equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation.
- All advertisements should be typed using word processing software. Print job advertisement for each position and attached your Job advertisement with the assessment.
Task 2.3: Question and answer
Q1: What are the basic aims of EEO legislation?
Q2: How does EEO legislation influence the content of a job advertisement?
Q3: What are the features of an effective recruitment advertisement?
Q4: Where will you place advertisements for these positions? List the locations and briefly explain why you think they are the most suitable options.
Task 2.4: Process, review and shortlist applications
Read the Application forms information for each the following positions.
• Concourse outlet supervisor - full-time
• Food and beverage storeperson - casual
• Customer information officer - volunteer
Prepare a shortlist form for each position by completing the templates provided.
• Complete the position name and mode of employment details.
• Based on the key selection criteria (KSC) developed in Task 1.4, add headings and/or minimum selection requirements at the top of each column in the template.
Review the information summarised on your shortlist form and determines which applicants will advance to the first stage in the selection process. Add your response to the last column on the shortlist form.
Complete all templates.
Task 2.5: Question and answer
Q1: You are going to inform the unsuccessful applicants by email that they were unsuccessful. A standardised response will be sent to all applicants with only the position name changed.
Write a standard notification for an unsuccessful application suitable for distribution via email.
Q2: The stadium is in Canberra, ACT. One of the applicants for the concourse outlet supervisor position currently lives in Newcastle, NSW. What type(s) of special arrangements could you make to accommodate this person's needs and successfully complete stage 1 of the selection process?
Q3: One of the applicants for position of volunteer customer information officer is confined to a wheelchair. Stage 1 of the selection process will be conducted in a training room located on level 1 in the administration area.
What arrangements can you make prior to their arrival for stage 1 to assist this applicant?
Q4: At this stage of the recruitment process, what documents do you need to keep and file for possible future reference?
Task 3: Select staff
Task 3.1: Prepare for selection processes
You are preparing to conduct interviews for each of the advertised positions. The interview panel will consist of the HR recruitment assistant and a member of the food and beverage management team.
• Using the interview question template, prepare structured interview questions for each of the positions.
• Your questions must be linked to the key selection criteria identified in Task 1.4.
• The questions should be written using a range of formats, such as behavioural, hypothetical, open and closed.
Task 3.2: Conduct interviews
• This is a role-play activity. Your assessor will inform you as to when the role-plays are to take place.
• Role-plays are to be conducted in an actual or simulated workplace environment.
• You are to participate as a member of an interview panel undertaking selection processes for three different positions.
• Concourse outlet supervisor - full-time
• Food and beverage storeperson - casual
• Customer information officer - volunteer
• Your colleagues will make up the rest of the panel.
• You must read the scenario background information provided in the Information and templates Task 1 and access all supporting documentation required to conduct the interview.
• Application forms
• Interview questions
• Interview rating forms
• Job descriptions for each position prepared in Task 1.2 (if desired)
• Person specifications for each position prepared in Task 1.3 (if desired)
• Key selection criteria for each position prepared in Task 1.4 (if desired)
• Role-plays can be recorded for further analysis and discussion with the consent of all participants.
• Complete the role-play.
Task 3.3: Question and answer
• Use the completed interview question and interview ratings forms to evaluate and discuss outcomes from each interview with your panel members.
• Select candidate(s) that display an attitude, aptitude and fit to the existing organisational culture and best meet your selection criteria.
• More than one candidate can be selected if there are multiple positions available in that job role.
• Answer all the questions.
• If you completed hard copies of interview questions and interview rating forms in Task 3.2, submit them to your assessor once you have answered all questions.
Q1: Who have you and your colleagues decided to offer a position to? Briefly explain why you selected each candidate.
Q2: What types of background checks could you complete on your successful candidates prior to offering a position?
Q3: Would you complete reference checks on successful candidates for all three positions? List which position(s) you would complete reference checks for and briefly explain why.
Q4: Two of the referees for Ethan Sturgess mentioned he can be very opinionated and becomes abrupt andirritated when people repeatedly ask ‘stupid' questions.
• How does this information affect your final decision?
Q5: The feedback obtained from Ethan Sturgess's reference check has you concerned about his ability to uphold the stadium's image and customer service standards and values during very busy events. You and the panel decide not to offer him a volunteer position.
What do you do if you find that you only have one candidate you wish to make an offer to whenthere are two positions available?
Q6: Who do you need to notify of appointments to each of the positions? Refer to the organisational chart provided in the Information and templates Task 1 if necessary.
Task 3.4: Make an employment offer and maintain records
• Read the information provided in the Staff recruitment policy.
• Answer all the questions.
Q1: Based on White Eagle Stadium's recruitment policy, what is the procedure to make an employment offer to the successful candidates?
Q2: Based on the recruitment policy, what happens after the initial offer is made to the successful candidate? Briefly describe the steps followed and documentation used.
Q3: What information could be communicated to the successful candidate in a letter of offer?
Q4: What records used in the recruitment and selection process should be filed and stored after selection processes are completed?
Task 4: Plan and organise an induction program
Task 4.1: Prepare for induction
• Read White Eagle Stadium's staff induction policy.
• Answer all the questions.
• Where relevant information is provided, base your responses on the organisation's induction policy.
Q1: When are inductions scheduled for new employees?
Q2: What are the responsibilities of the induction coordinator?
Q3: Based on White Eagle Stadium's organisational charts, background information provided in the Information and templates Task 1 and general knowledge of induction program requirements, who would the induction coordinator need to liaise with when planning and implementing an induction program?
Q4: Workplaces have an obligation to ensure workplaces are safe by providing new employees with information about workplace health and safety (WHS), risk management and equal employment opportunity (EEO).
What are three examples of information that must be provided?
Q5: You are inducting 19 concourse supervisors (one full-time, 18 part-time), six storepersons and two volunteers. How will you deliver the induction program to each of these new employees?
• Concourse supervisors
• Storepersons
• Volunteers
Task 4.2: Prepare an induction program
• Use the induction program template provided below.
• Prepare a staff induction plan for each of the following positions.
• Concourse outlet supervisor - full-time
• Food and beverage storeperson - casual
• Customer information officer - volunteer
• Ensure appropriate organisational, employment, workplace and job role information is provided during the induction program.
• Ensure all legislative requirements are included in the induction program.
• Indicate what documentation must be provided to the new employees. Examples could include mandatory information to meet legislative requirements and information to assist in completion of their job roles.
Attachment:- Project.rar