What are two good examples of a complex password

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133636818

Part 1

1. What were the first four locations hooked up to the Internet (ARPANET)?

2. What does the term packet mean?

3. Which came first, the Internet or the World Wide Web?

4. What was revolutionary about Web 2.0?

5. What was the so-called killer app for the Internet?

6. What makes a connection a broadband connection?

7. What does the term VoIP mean?

8. What is an LAN?

9. What is the difference between an intranet and an extranet?

10. What is Metcalfe's Law?

Part 2

Question 1. Briefly define each of the three members of the information security triad.

Question 2.What does the term authentication mean?

Question 3.What is multi-factor authentication?

Question 4.What is role-based access control?

Question 5.What is the purpose of encryption?

Question 6.What are two good examples of a complex password?

Question 7.What is pretexting?

Question 8.What are the components of a good backup plan?

Question 9.What is a firewall?

Question 10.What does the term physical security mean?

Part 3

Question 1.What is the productivity paradox?

Question 2.Summarize Carr's argument in "Does IT Matter."

Question 3. How is the 2008 study by Brynjolfsson and McAfee different from previous studies? How is it the same?

Question 4.What does it mean for a business to have a competitive advantage?

Question 5.What are the primary activities and support activities of the value chain?

Question 6.What has been the overall impact of the Internet on industry profitability? Who has been the true winner?

Question 7.How does EDI work?

Question 8.Give an example of a semi-structured decision and explain what inputs would be necessary to provide assistance in making the decision.

Question 9.What does a collaborative information system do?

Question 10.How can IT play a role in competitive advantage, according to the 2008 article by Brynjolfsson and McAfee?

Part 4

Question 1.What does the term business process mean?

Question 2.What are three examples of business process from a job you have had or an organization you have observed?

Question 3.What is the value in documenting a business process?

Question 4.What is an ERP system? How does an ERP system enforce best practices for an organization?

Question 5.What is one of the criticisms of ERP systems?

Question 6.What is business process reengineering? How is it different from incrementally improving a process?

Question 7.Why did BPR get a bad name?

Question 8.List the guidelines for redesigning a business process.

Question 9.What is business process management? What role does it play in allowing a company to differentiate itself?

Question 10.What does ISO certification signify?

Reference no: EM133636818

Questions Cloud

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Different industries require different amounts of space : Different industries require different amounts of space. Suppose that somebody working in software development requires 100 square feet of space to do their job
What are two good examples of a complex password : Briefly define each of the three members of the information security triad and What are two good examples of a complex password?
How can the us prevent intelelctual property : How can the U.S. prevent intelelctual property theft with increased cyber securoty on anational level?
How has the covid-19 pandemic affected the business : Provide a brief overview of the retail sector in which the retailer operates. For example, what 'headwinds' and/or 'tailwinds' is the industry facing?
Equality in distribution of income synonymous : Are the concepts of fairness and equality in the distribution of income synonymous? To what extent is income inequality consistent with fairness?
What could have gone better : What could have gone better? What were the causes of this dynamic. What was your role in the group? Could you have done anything differently?


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