What are top most influential b2b marketing activities

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Reference no: EM133339712


1. What are the top 4 most influential B2B marketing activities?

A. Provider websites, white papers, sales presentations, and social media.

B. Sales presentations, direct interaction with the provider, references, and advertising.

C. Direct interaction with the provider, references, events, and white papers.

D. References, white papers, sales presentations, and press publications.

2. Which of the following is a myth about how sales is changing?

A. Traditional sales practices unwittingly increase customer dissatisfaction.

B. Buyers move sequentially through a funnel.

C. Solution selling and account management skills still matter.

D. Prospects now touch brands and companies at many different points.

3. What does the common saying "sales eats first" refer to?

A. Salespeople get paid before other employees.

B. A company treats selling goods or services as a cost function.

C. Salespeople know what the customer needs before other departments.

D. A company cannot survive without sales.

4. Salespeople who flourish in behavior-based systems thrive on:

A. Extrinsic rewards

B. Incentives based on revenue generation C. Non-monetary compensation

D. Intrinsic rewards

Reference no: EM133339712

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