Reference no: EM131505805
Write reflection response in Sociology at least 200 words.
Q .Please read the question for this discussion thread carefully and answer it in details.
Class Inequality: What are three types of social mobility present in the American Society? Give at least one example of each mobility.
Gender Inequality: What is Glass Ceiling? How does it apply to women? Please quote the textbook.
Each student is required to reply to at least one other student.
Classmate's answer A
Social mobility involves around the movement of families and specific categories of people within or between the social avenues within a society.
Three types of mobility would be vertical mobility, meritocratic mobility, and intra generational mobility. These three categories vary between. Vertical Mobility would be the movement of people up and down a ladder in a socioeconomic level to another. Examples of these would be getting a higher position at work or marrying into money. Intra-generational mobility would be a change in status over a period of a lifespan.
Meritocratic mobility can be where people are being advanced or rewarded for anything broad to talent or how smart someone is.
Glass Ceiling is technically an unofficial acknowledged barrier to advancement in any field. This usually affects women and minorities. The irony here is that even though it is unofficially acknowledged, doesn't mean it does not still exist. In plenty of fields today there have been studies shown that men are paid more than woman and in many cases with minorities as well.
It even goes into a higher level where in entertainment industry, one actress just as famous as another actor could get paid 8 million, over the other being paid 12 million. Both are basically doing the same work and are in the film just as much and could bring mass amounts of viewers, but why pay one more then the other? Studies have been shown in all types of professions where this is the case. This in turn affects women from rising to upper ranks in especially corporate positions, regardless of their experience or degree. This is something that over time hopefully will change.
I talked to my father about this recently and he works in corporate at GE and says he has more female bosses then men, who do get paid more than all the men under him and within his department. So it really can vary per company. I think as time goes on the men in higher positions will eventually come to the realization that a woman is perfectly capable to do the same type of work they can do if not better!
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