Reference no: EM132936086
1. For each of the two hypothesis statements determine the types of data required to test your hypotheses (i.e. turnover rates, employee age, etc.) and the potential sources (internal and external, as applicable) of this data.
Hypothesis 1. The employee who feel not supported and engaged by their supervisor and colleagues have a higher chance of leaving the company.
Hypothesis 2. Employees who don't feel being well compensated based on the level of their performance have a higher chance of showing unacceptable attendance and lower performance at work.
2. Identify at least three stakeholders (for each hypothesis) who would need to be engaged if your hypotheses statements were to move forward as a workforce analytics project.
3. Assuming you don't have existing data analytics talent already in HR, nor the ability to go out and hire a team, consider the partnership options in Chapter 13 and make a recommendation as to the best approach to take should a project go forward. Support your choice with relevant arguments.
1. What are three significant people challenges?
- Retention
- Performance Management and attendance
- Employee engagement
2. Are there other internal (i.e. org structure) or external (i.e., increased competition) challenges that are putting additional pressure on the organization?
Internal factor -
- Work environment
- support or programs that would help the employees engage and close the gap to goal in performance
- salary and benefit benchmarking.
External factor -
- Better opportunity outside the organization.
3. Based upon the answers for Questions 1 and 2, two hypothesis statements to consider how workforce analytics could possibly help with these challenges.
Hyphothesis 1. The employee who feel not supported and engaged by their supervisor and colleagues have a higher chance of leaving the company.
Hyphothesis 2. Employees who don't feel being well compensated based on the level of their performance have a higher chance of showing unacceptable attendance and lower performance at work.
- Workforce Analytics would help the company to effectively address and resolve challenges within the organization. With the workforce analytics, it would be easy to identify reasons of high turnover, low performance and engagement within the organization
- Workforce analytics would also help to easily identify what are the appropriate support and program the organization can provide in order retain the employees at the same time improve performance and engagement
- It would also help the organization to understand future needs and development needed to sustain a better workforce.
Step-by-step explanation
The workforce analytics is a metrics that would help the organization to measure things wothin the workforce that is contributing to the issue and concern. The result of the metrics would help the organization for development and create further opportunities to improve workforce.
The workforce analytics might also pinpoint other factors that may also impact the issue.
With all this information, the management would have a better understanding of the current workforce situattion and would help them provide a better decision.