Reference no: EM131396078
Refer to the Country Profiles and Economic Data database in the University Library among other scholarly resources for this assignment.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word research essay describing how the political boundaries developed for the European Union country you selected for your Week 5 Final Project.
Include responses to the following in your report:
What forces were involved in the development and creation of the country's political borders?
How is trade regulated between your selected country and another country with which it shares a border?
As a member of the European Union how is trade regulated between your selected country and the United States?
Is European Union membership a benefit for this county? Why or why not?
What nations are present within your selected European country? Are the nations contained within the country (state) or do they spread across borders?
What are this country's views on sexual orientation, gender identity, and women's role in society? How do their views compare to the views of the United States on these issues?
Submit your essay formatted consistent with APA guidelines.
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