What are these two kinds of judgments and how is each

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Reference no: EM133531591

Question 1. In Section III Hume advances his claim that all the ideas in our minds are connected to (some) otherideas in our minds by way of association. What are the three principles of association that he identifiesin this section?

Question2. In Section IV, Part I, Hume tells his reader that the 'objects of human reason' (by which he meansjudgments) come in two kinds. What are these two kinds of judgments and how is each justified?

Question3. According to Hume in Section IV, Part 1, are matter of fact judgments "discoverable by reason"? Ifnot, then by what are they discoverable?

Question 4. In Section IV, Part II, Hume says that all reasonings can be divided into two kinds. What are these twokinds?

Question5. In Section IV, Part II Hume explains that all "arguments from experience" (i.e., predictions about thefuture based on experience) are founded on a certain feature or relationship between experiences.What is this feature or relationship?

Question 6. In Section V Part I Hume offers a thought experiment concerning the sudden arrival of a person in theworld we inhabit, one gifted with great intelligence and reasoning ability. He says that this person wouldimmediately perceive a continual succession of events, one following another. Could this person, byreasoning alone, discover which events are causally connected to which others? If not, why not?

Question 7. In Section V Part I Hume considers whether sense experience of events can offer a justification formatter of fact judgments that there are causal relations among certain objects of our experience. Hesays there is some principle which determines us to form this conclusion. What is that principle?

Question 8. What single feature of our impressions of sensation is responsible, according to Hume in Section VPart I, for a human mind forming a custom or habit of associating events of one type with events ofanother and coming to the idea that they are related as cause to effect?

Question 9. Hume refined Locke's account of how we come to acquire the various kinds of ideas human minds come to have access to. What are two improvements on Locke's theory of ideas that came to light in our unit on Hume?

Reference no: EM133531591

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