What are the ways in which conversion can be increased

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13752852

Landing page optimization is an important part of the overall marketing process. When sending an e-mail or linking a paid advertisement, it is important that the message you express is reiterated on the landing page.

Choose an existing email you have recently received to complete this assignment.

In a 3-4 page paper, address the following:

Compare and contrast what you changed from the e-mail to the landing page

What did you learn in regards to resource planning between e-mail and the Web?

What are the ways in which conversion can be increased? Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Explain why you made these specific changes. Be sure to include what you learned through the process.

Include a mockup of the e-mail landing page. You can choose to present this in Word, PowerPoint, or Illustrator format. If you are using the landing page of a specific Web site, you may include a screenshot of the landing page and highlight the alterations that you would make.

Reference no: EM13752852

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