What are the various responses to a competitors price change

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131463375


Marketing Management, Ch. 16: Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs

Consider the following as you read:

What are the various responses to a competitor's price change.

Marketing Management, Ch. 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels

Consider the following as you read:

What are the various channels to market and how are they interrelated and how are they different?

Marketing Management, Ch. 18: Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics

Consider the following as you read:

What are intermediaries and why are they important?

Pricing Methods Discussion


Think about the pricing methods described in the chapter--markup pricing, target-return pricing, perceived-value pricing, value pricing, going-rate pricing, and auction-type pricing.

As a consumer, which do you prefer to deal with? Why? If the average price were to stay the same, which would you prefer a firm to do:

(1) set one price and not deviate or

(2) employ slightly higher prices most of the year but offer slightly discounted prices or specials for certain occasions?

Channel Strategy Discussion

Channel image

Some marketers feel that the image of the particular channel in which they sell their products does not matter--all that matters is that the right customers shop there and the product is displayed in the right way.

Others maintain that channel images--such as those of a retail store--can be critical and must be consistent with the image of the product.

Take a position: Channel images do not really affect the brand images of the products they sell that much versus Channel images must be consistent with the brand image

Franchise Discussion


You have $250,000 to start a company, and you're considering purchasing a franchise business. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of franchise ownership?

Reference no: EM131463375

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What are the various responses to a competitors price change : MKT/571:What are the various channels to market and how are they interrelated and how are they different?
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