Reference no: EM132152417
1. Define evaluative criteria and determinant criteria. Identify the determinant criteria you used for a recent purchase.
List the factors that determine the type of evaluative criteria that consumers use.
Name the four types of noncompensatory decision rules. What does it mean if a rule is noncompensatory?
2. Define consumer satisfaction. How does it differ from other important consumer behavior concepts?
List out some possible postconsumption reactions
Explain the expectancy/disconfirmation theory. Describe how it explains your satisfaction or dissatisfaction from a recent consumption experience.
Define expectations. Describe the four types of consumer expectations with an example for each
Define attribution theory. Explain how the three elements in the attribution theory help in explaining consumer satisfaction. Using this theory, explain why you were satisfied or dissatisfied with a recent consumption experience.
Identify the conditions when a consumer is more likely to experience true dissonance following a purchase.
3. What are the cognitive and affective components that help shape postconsumption behavior?
Define the term critical incident in a consumer behavior context. How might an equity cognition involving procedural justice contribute to a critical incident for some business?
List and define the behavioral outcomes of consumption.
What are the different ways in which a firm can react to negative public publicity? Which way is almost always a bad response?
What are two types of revenge that customers may undertake to try to harm a business? What is your opinion on the ethics of such action?
List types of WOM and/or Publicity that are not necessarily negative.
What are the different types of switching costs that a consumer faces? Provide examples of each from your own consumer experiences.
4. How does misbehavior violate norms and disrupt consumption activities?
What are the various motivations of consumer misbehavior?
What is the key difference between consumer problem behavior and consumer misbehavior?
What are some examples of consumer problem behavior and consumer misbehavior?