What are the underlying pathophysiological changes

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Reference no: EM13257298

My name is Jim Ayo. I was born and raised in Louisiana and am proud to be of full blooded French heritage. My ancestors have been in southern Louisiana since before the United States was even its own country. My wife June has Alzheimer's disease and just moved into one of those extended care places. I hate having her there, but she seems happy as a clam in her little room, making new friends through the day. Problem is she doesn't remember anybody and gets scared when she doesn't know where she is. I don't drive anymore, so I don't see her as often as I'd like. But I get by. My son, Everret, sure is a big help to me. He makes sure I have food in the house and get to my doctor's appointments on time. His wife Becca is a great cook and leaves me meals I can heat in the microwave when I'm hungry. What worries me most these days are the nurses that come to visit me. They are all concerned about me living alone, say it ain't safe and I should move in with June. They wouldn't even be here if I didn't have this dang sore on my foot! It came up three weeks ago after I went shopping with my grandkids. My new shoes weren't broken in and I got a blister on my heel that just wouldn't heal up. The doctor says it is because of my diabetes and poor circulation and had these nurses come in every day to change the dressing and make sure I'm taking my medicine the right way. I think he's interfering in my life, but Everret says to listen, so I do. Well, the city bus that gives rides to older adults is here to take me over to June's place and I gotta go. Let me just say that life ain't too bad right now, all things considered. In addition to what Jim has told you, here is a list of his current health concerns.

Osteoarthritis Hypertension Diabetes mellitus, type 2 Enlarged prostate Peripheral vascular disease Glaucoma Intermittent claudication Lumbar spinal stenosis Open sore on great toe For your first post this week, select one of his current health concerns and answer the following questions. Assume you are the home health nurse assigned to care for the wound on his foot.

What are the underlying pathophysiological changes that occur with the condition you selected? What information in Jim's introduction supports the presence of this condition? If none, what are the usual signs and symptoms associated with this condition? Could the condition you selected have contributed to Jim needing to sit and rest at the mall? Please support your answer with information from the textbook. What is the recommended treatment for the condition you selected? Do any of Jim's other alterations in health impact the one you selected? How?

Reference no: EM13257298

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