What are the types of interventions

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Reference no: EM131728320 , Length: word count:2000

Evidence-based Public Health

Cochrane review summary: Summary of ‘Interventions for improving coverage of childhood immunisation in low- and middle-income countries'.


1) Summarise one Cochrane review. The Cochrane review you have to summarise is:

Oyo-Ita A, Wiysonge CS, Oringanje C, Nwachukwu CE, Oduwole O, Meremikwu MM. Interventions for improving coverage of childhood immunisation in low- and middle-income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008145. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008145.pub3.

NOTE: This Cochrane review is 97 pages long so check which pages you need first before you print it.

2) Referencing instructions:

- This is the only source you need to read for this essay so I will accept the reference citation presented exactly as it is shown above.

- If you summarise research that is cited in this Cochrane review - you do NOT need to provide those additional references in your essay. You can paraphrase. For example, this sentence copied from the review: ‘Global DTP3 coverage hovered around 5% in 1974, when EPI was launched, and increased very slowly to 17% in 1980 (WHO 2012b).' would be edited to become ‘The review, citing a WHO 2012 report, highlighted that ...'

3) Essay writing instructions:

In the essay you must address all these points:
- Provide a short summary of the rationale for the review and the problems that the interventions are meant to address.
- Provide a PICOT table for the selection criteria, i.e., the ‘Methods for considering studies for this review'.
- Identify the key criteria used for assessing the risk of bias in the included studies. You only need to summarise the key criteria - you do not need to conduct a risk of bias assessment.
- Summarise the main findings, i.e., what do we learn from this review?
- What are the types of interventions in the studies identified in the review?
- Describe 2-3 implications for future research.
- Are there any gaps in the evidence base?

Reference no: EM131728320

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11/18/2017 2:58:52 AM

Formatting& referencing Limited ability to paraphrase &/or overuse of direct quotes. Little evidence of ability to reference correctly. There are some problems with paraphrasing &/or over use of direct quotations. Demonstrates a basic understanding of referencing conventions. Selected source material is most incorporated correctly & appropriately and the author’s voice is clear. There may be minor errors in referencing. Selected source material is incorporated seamlessly and effectively into the writing and referenced correctly.


11/18/2017 2:58:43 AM

The essay must be around 2000 words but must not exceed 2250 words. The words in the tables contribute to the total word count. 70-79% - B 80-100% - A Responds thoughtfully to the assessment task. Demonstrates a good understanding of key issues and concepts. Demonstrates good understanding of the review. Demonstrates awareness of how the review question has been framed and the implications for the findings. Provides a very good summary. A sophisticated approach to the assessment task. Demonstrates a solid understanding of key issues and concepts. Demonstrates excellent understanding of the review. Demonstrates awareness of the scope of the review, how the review question has been framed and the implications for the findings. Succinct and comprehensive summary.

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