Reference no: EM131632528
Two popular news outlets are CNN and Fox News. With this, you will think about popular recent stories and investigate these two sources and respond to the following questions in paragraph form.
1) Find out the following information about the two news outlets:
a) who owns the news source;
b) is the source non-profit or for-profit;
c) what is its reputation in terms of political bias (ex: liberal, conservative, neutral, etc.);
d) where do you access this news source most often; and
e) what sources did you use to find answers to these questions
After completing the previous question, try to find 2 news outlets that you have not used extensively in the past.
Specifically, look for sources that have a strong journalistic reputation, that specialize in long-form journalism, and that are understood to be mostly neutral in their politics and respond to the following questions in paragraph form.
1) What are the two news outlets?
2) Explain in a paragraph or two why they meet the criteria of having a strong journalistic reputation, that specialize in long-form journalism, and that are understood to be mostly neutral in their politics.
3) Give an example of an article from each that demonstrates its journalistic integrity/reputation