Reference no: EM13815127
Multiple Choices-
1. Blues and spirituals evolved from earlier songs called
A. ballads
B. work songs or slave songs
C. stanzas
D. ragas
2. A memorate is a descriptive term for
A. a device to help one remember information
B. an idea that gets stuck in your head
C. a narrative describing an encounter with a supernatural being or an experience with a paranormal event
D. a folktale recovered from an informant through the telling of a remembered story
3. Supernatural beliefs are
A. always true
B. only associated with specific locations
C. cross-cultural and widespread
D. always false
4. In the urban legend, "The Babysitter and The Man Upstairs," which of these is the conservative element?
A. What the operator says
B. Where it occurs
C. the presence of a telephone
D. the number of children in the house
5. What was one of the few things that was eventually shared by white slaveowners and slaves?
A. The main house
B. the recognition of mutual humanity
C. an appreciation of European classical music
D. Christian religion
6. When studying stories or other texts, what does the term "structuralism" imply?
A. a study of the parts of a text, and their relationship to the whole text
B. strictly a study of the text as a whole artifact
C. the building or buildings that arise from vernacular architecture
D. the function of a text
7. What was the great triumph of African-American Christianity, from the slaveowners' perspective?
A. the slaveowners came to be considered as gods by the slaves
B. the focus on a Promised Land after death kept the slaves from thinking about freedom, a return to Africa, and the terrible conditions they lived in
C. slaves began to learn how to play good music, unlike the barbaric "music" they brought with them from Africa
D. the slaves immediately found that slavery was much better than their previous life in Africa
8. Why did German scholars like the Grimm Brothers want to collect what we now call folklore?
A. History books had been destroyed by numerous wars and scholars were anxious to rebuild the history of the nation as a global country
B. Scholars were trying to become relevant in a culture that, much like today in the U.S., publicly attacked science and knowledge as "the realm of the intellectual elite."
C. Scholars believed the ancient past was still alive among rural peoples and they believed that this "alternative" history of Germany would revive the glory of the ancient past.
D. All scholars were actively engaged in trying to prove the Solar Mythology Theory postulated by German linguist Max Muller.
9. Which of the following motifs is present in many European folktales and legends?
A. The Rule of 1
B. The Rule of 2
C. The Rule of 3
D. The Rule of 4
E. all of the above
10. A barn and a quilt have been made. Where is the folklore?
A. strictly in the form of a barn or quilt
B. strictly in the idea of the barn or quilt
C. in the creative process of making the barn or quilt
D. in the publishing of "how-to" books with directions for building a barn or quilt
11. The process of folklore is
A. local
B. communal
C. informal
D. All of the above
E. only A
12. Folklore scholarship is based largely on the study of
A. variation
B. strict categories
C. politics
D. folktales
13. A rite of passage is usually a feature of small groups and
A. is used only in religious settings
B. is never practiced by women
C. marks a change in status
D. has 4 distinct stages
14. Building a house with a slate roof in an area where slate is an abundant resource is an example of
A. vernacular architecture
B. dynamic folklore
C. Social Construction Theory
D. a wonderful coincidence
15. According to the text Living Folklore, which of these is not one of three broad categories of folklore?
A. Supernatural
B. Verbal
C. Material
D. Customary
16. The word "text" always refers to the written word, and is unique to literate cultures.
A. True
B. False
17. What is considered, by most folklorists, the first folk group that people are a part of?
A. First job/place of employment
B. First school
C. wedding party
D. one's family
18. When studying folk groups, the folklore scholar typically looks most intently at
A. how many people are in the group?
B. the dynamic and creative relationships between individuals in the group
C. the average age of group members
D. where the group meets
19. Folklore is necessarily untrue and from the past
A. True
B. False
20. Folklorists are most concerned with
A. Histories of the elites
B. Accounts of wars and empires
C. orchestrated state funerals
D. popular culture
E. performance in informal settings
21. Which of the following is an example of popular culture?
A. An art exhibit featuring the works of Picasso
B. A chamber music concert in Eugene
C. South Park
D. A quilting circle
22. Some folklorists would describe as "vernacular" which following example?
A. global holidays
B. an annual local fundraising parade
C. the Super Bowl
D. a presidential state of the union speech
23. Which of the following is the best example of folklore?
A. a concert featuring the Grateful Dead
B. a cd of the Grateful Dead's music
C. the dancing of the Spinners at a Grateful Dead concert
D. the recording of the concert by members of the audience
E. all of the above
F. both C and D
24. The study of the context of a performance necessarily includes
A. the interplay between, for example, a speaker and the audience
B. silence on the part of the observer
C. a willingness by the researcher to join the group he/she is studying
D. none of the above
25. Tradition
A. is shared among members of a group, often across time
B. creates and maintains group and individual identity
C. has continuity, is repeated
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
26. An Easter egg hunt at a local church is an example of
A. vernacular folklore
B. urban legend
C. superstition
D. official religious practice
27. A "performance" approach to folklore study implies a focus on
A. the static elements of culture
B. the current, dynamic, expressive aspects of culture
C. only proverbs
D. only folktales
28. What was the most significant change over time concerning how the study of folklore was conducted by scholars?
A. a shift from studying ancient scriptures to opening churches
B. a change from studying urban populations to studying suburban communities
C. studying folktales in terms of their lunar themes instead of solar themes
D. change from collecting relics of the past to studying dynamic aspects of peoples' lives
29. Franz Boas, German anthropologist, wrote about the concept of "diffusion," the study of
A. how texts move from culture to culture
B. Two different types of fusion
C. what a text means to a group
D. how texts are performed
30. What are the "twin laws" of the folklore process?
A. tension and release
B. dynamic and conservative
C. living and dying
D. ancient and future
E. all of the above