What are the traits of teen sim

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Reference no: EM133346707


1. What are/were the traits of your teen sim? How are they doing in school? Do they have a job? How has interaction between your parent and child sim changed over time? Do you think your parenting when they were younger influenced how they are doing now?

2. This week we covered how parenting shifts from being an encourager in childhood to serving more as a counselor in adolescence. Describe how your sim interacts with their teen, and provide specific examples of how they are acting as a counselor. How might acting as a counselor benefit a teenager?

3. This week you were introduced to the importance of taking advantage of spontaneous opportunities for communication. In what ways did your parent and teen interact that were spontaneous? What sorts of things did they talk about? Why is communication so important for the parent/teen relationship?

4. Please identify one theme from parenting adolescents that you observed in your sim family's interactions. For example, you could discuss growing autonomy, conflict resolution, teen identity development, or any other concept that has arisen (or was interesting to you). Be sure to use at least one direct reference from the book, and one direct reference from the lecture to answer this question. Use citations to support yourself here.

Reference no: EM133346707

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