Reference no: EM132512477
Assignment: Are you able to answer answer 10 of the 16 questions below?
1. Getting to Yes and your Manual readings suggest that "there can be no negotiation without communication." Assuming that this is more than a cliché, what does this mean? Discuss communication variables and barriers that are important to understanding negotiation success and negotiator effectiveness.
2. In negotiations, truthfulness (honesty, veracity, etc.) seems to be a low priority or get lost entirely. How do determine what is ethical conduct in negotiation? Other than our own sense of ethics, what constraints or reasons do you see to avoid questionable conduct?
3. What is your definition of negotiation? Distinguish it from other dispute resolution processes. Is negotiation involved in and/or part of those processes?
4. Based on the readings, what is your understanding of integrative bargaining? What is the contrasting type of bargaining? Describe the essential differences. Do people need to select one mode or the other as their style? Why or why not?
5. What are the "Top Ten" characteristics of a good negotiator? Prioritize them and indicate why you rank them this way? Which are you working on and how?
6. Describe the importance of non-verbal behavior in understanding negotiation? How do you recognize, use, and/or respond to it?\
7. If you are faced with a negotiation "opponent" who appears to have more power resources than you do, what are some steps or approached you can take to improve your chances?
8. Emotions and/or personal involvement can both help and/or hinder a negotiation. Discuss how "feelings" can have a positive or negative impact and can be "used" by a negotiator.
9. What would be your advice for a new negotiator (e.g., some do's and don't`s)? Give them a good start. Use a "top ten" list format if you like (but give more than Letterman one-liners).
10. Discuss the importance of trust during negotiations? How do you exhibit it? How do you know when to trust others? What can you do if you don't trust the other side?
11. Negotiating one-on-one is hard and team negotiating can be even harder and more frustrating. What can you do to ensure the benefits of a team and avoid the problems?
12. What is the "prisoner's dilemma? What does it suggest, and/or teach, about negotiating and strategy?
13. What are several specific techniques or methods can you use to elicit (obtain) information from the other side?
14. When dealing with a representative in negotiation, how do you know whether he or she has authority to bind the other party? How do you ensure this?
15. What steps would you take in preparing to negotiate with someone of a substantially different background (e.g., culture)? What are some "Do's" and "Don'ts"?
16. From a purely practical standpoint, discuss why you should be concerned about stereotypes you have about people with whom you are negotiating.