Reference no: EM133302424
Part I
Question 1. Name and define the two types of presidential power.
Question 2. List and discuss each formal power.
Question 3. Who do presidents need to work with to get most things done?
Question 4. Do the formal powers allow presidents to do what the public expects them to do?
What impact do public expectations have on presidents?
Question 5. What options do presidents have for getting things done?
Question 6. How are presidents able to expand their informal powers?
Question 7. What are the three ways presidents exert influence while executing the law.
Question 8. Define executive discretion and executive orders. Provide a specific example of how presidents used each one to exert influence.
Question 9. How have presidents interpreted the commander in chief power? What measures has congress taken to oppose this interpretation? Has it been effective?
Question 10. What are the other reasons presidential power has expanded?
Question 11. Why is precedent important?
Question 12. What lesson should you take away from this discussion?
Part II
Question 1- What skills did President Johnson use to gain passage of the Civil Rights Bill?
Question 2. Can other presidents replicate the Johnson style or is it unique to one individual?
Question 3. To what extent has the development of the modern media helped presidents?
Question 4. What are the advantages for presidents of going public?
Question 5. What are the disadvantages for presidents of going public?
Question 6. Why do presidents rely so heavily on staff in the White House Office and the Executive Office of the Presidency?
Question 7. What did Secretary Reich take his campaign for a higher minimum wage to the press? Was this a good Strates?