Reference no: EM131268476
Answer each question using 12 font.
1. What are the three levels of courts in Illinois?
2. If a criminal defendant loses a case in the Circuit Court of Cook County, what are his options? Can he, or she, appeal directly to the Illinois Supreme Court?
3. What are the three levels of the federal court system?
4. Does the United States Supreme Court hear every case that is appealed to it from the State and Federal Courts?
5. How does the Supreme Court decide on which case it will decide?
6. What are some of the other courts in the federal system other than the federal district courts, federal courts and the United States Supreme Court?
7. There are currently only eight judges on the Supreme Court; what happened if these judges split in a four to four decision?
8. What are your suggestions as to how we can bridge the gap between the police and our communities?
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What are the three levels of the federal court system
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