Reference no: EM132535431
Question 1: Aristotle holds that by nature humans are neither good nor evil. Why does he think this?
Question 2: From our discussion of Aristotle, what is the difference between inherent value and instrumental value?
Question 3: Aristotle holds that virtue is a mean between excess and deficiency. What is an example of such a virtue?
Question 4: What does Aristotle mean when he says that the soul has both a rational and an irrational aspect?
Question 5: For Aristotle, what do the terms ‘virtue' and ‘happiness' mean?
Question 6: In The Apology, why does Socrates hold that no one should intentionally corrupt another? If Socrates has corrupted the youth, he has done so unintentionally. If this is the case, what then should be his punishment?
Question 7: in the works of Plato, who are the Sophists? What is the disagreement/rivalry between the Sophists and the philosophers? Considering the allegory of the cave and the excerpts from "Thank You For Smoking," would Plato and Socrates regard the Sophists as ethical? Be sure to explain your answer thoroughly.
Question 8: How does John Dewey undermine the fact/value distinction?
Question 9: For Aristotle, what is the distinctive function of the human?
Question 10: In The Apology, how is Socrates distinguished from the many who comprise the assembly?
Question 11: In the Euthyphro, what definitions of piety does Euthyphro offer? What is wrong with each of these definitions? Does the dialogue suggest that ethics is ultimately rooted in religion?
Question 12: Why does Socrates' divine guide steer him away from the political? What is the tension between the ethical and the political described in the Apology?
Question 13: Why is Socrates distressed at the end of the dialogue when Euthyphro leaves? Why does Socrates need Euthyphro?
Question 14: What are the three forms of life that Aristotle describes in book one of the Nichomachean Ethics and what is the good that corresponds to each?