Reference no: EM133422054
Answer each question!!
1. What are the three central ideas in epistemology?
2. What does 'epistemology' mean?
3. What is a belief?
4. Very roughly, what does it mean to say that a person's belief is justified?
5. Why is justification normative?
6. What is the regress problem?
7. What is the regress argument in support of foundationalism
8. What is foundationalism?
9. What are 'basic beliefs,' according to foundationalism?
10. What are 'non-basic beliefs,' according to foundationalism?
11. What are the four kinds of beliefs have been taken to be basic beliefs by foundationalists.
12. What is Chisholm's view that basic beliefs are 'self-justifying'?
13. What, according to Goldman, is a problem for Chisholm's view that basic beliefs are 'self-justifying'?
14. What are some of the different views (i.e., different from Chisholm's self-justifying view) about what justifies basic beliefs that we considered in class?
15. What is the level-of-ascent argument against basic beliefs?
16. What was the problem with the level-of-ascent argument discussed in the book and in class?
17. What is the (JEI) justification by explanatory inference (aka, argument to the best explanation)? Give an example of this type of argument.
18. What are the four criteria that make one hypothesis/explanation better than another?
19. According to the book, how might a foundationalist use the JEI, plus basic beliefs about one's own mental states, to provide a justification for our beliefs about the external world?
20. How does Berkeley's idealist theory weaken the foundationalist's JEI justification of our beliefs about the external world?
21. What are the two basic ideas of the coherence theory of justification?
22. What are the two things that a set of beliefs need in order to be coherent?
23. Are individual beliefs coherent? Are sets of beliefs coherent?
24. What is the coherence theory of truth?
25. How is the coherence theory of truth different from the coherence theory of justification? And how are these two theories similar?
26. What is the circularity problem for the coherence theory of truth?
27. What is the plurality problem for the coherence theory of truth?
28. What is the isolation problem for the coherence theory of justification?
29. What is the correspondence theory of truth? How is the correspondence theory of truth different from the coherence theory of truth?
30. Provide an example of propositional justification.
31. Provide an example of doxastic justification.
32. What's the difference between propositional and doxastic justification?
33. Why do infinitists think that if a person S is justified in believing B, S must have an infinite chain of reasons (facts) for believing B?
34. What is the infinite capacity objection against infinitism that we discussed in class?
35. What is evidentialism?
36. What is the co-presence condition of evidentialism?
37. What is the based-on condition of evidentialism?
38. What is the fitting relation of evidentialism?
39. Is evidentialism an internalist or externalist theory of justification?
40. Goldman gives a couple examples of what he thinks are justified beliefs that are not based on any current mental states. What are these examples?
41. Goldman suggests a causal explanation of the 'basing-on' relation. What is the causal explanation?
42. What were some objections to Goldman's causal explanation that we discussed in class?
43. What is process reliabilism?
44. What are some of the virtues of process reliabilism?
45. What is Goldman's proposal for how reliabilism can explain propositional justification?
46. Is evidentialism a theory of propositional justification or doxastic justification?
47. Is coherentism an internalist or externalist theory of justification?
48. Is foundationalism a theory of propositional or doxastic justification?
49. What is the generality problem for process reliabilism, according to Goldman?
50. In class, we discussed cases that seemed to show that a belief could be caused by a reliable process but not be justified. What were those cases?
51. In class, we discussed cases that seemed to show that a belief could be caused by an unreliable process and yet be justified. What were those cases?
52. What is internalism about justifiation?
53. What is externalism about justification?
54. What is the challenge to internalism that Goldman discusses at the end of chapter 2?
55. Why, according to Goldman, does the 'see/understand' proposal not work?
56. Why, according to Goldman, does the 'think' proposal not work?
57. What is the internalism-plus view that we discussed in class?
58. Does the internalism-plus view provide a better explanation of inferentially justified beliefs than process reliabilism?
59. What are the different kinds of knowledge?
60. What is the justified true belief (JTB) theory of propositional knowledge?
61. What is Gettier's counterexample to the JTB theory?
62. What are the two assumptions about justification that Gettier makes in his counterexamples?
63. What is the deductive closure for knowledge?
64. What are the four Gettier-like cases that we discussed in class?
65. Is evidentialism an internalist or externalist theory of justification?