What are the terms of the contract meaning

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133480163

Problem: Based on contract law and contract formation, If you as a student attend a private university are you in a contract with that university? What are the terms of the contract meaning if you were to go to court what does the university have to do and what do you have to do under the contract? What is a common occurrence that the university or the student has violated the terms of the contract?

Reference no: EM133480163

Questions Cloud

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Organization benefit from using performance appraisals : How does an organization benefit from using performance appraisals? How or when can they ever be detrimental to the organization?
What are the terms of the contract meaning : What are the terms of the contract meaning if you were to go to court what does the university have to do and what do you have to do under the contract?
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Explain why the document is so important : Explain why this document is so important and how you will store it securely, considering privacy standards?


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