Reference no: EM131019385
Question: This is my assignment task for research in accounting
Learning objectives
Learning objective 1: Demonstrate an understanding of an applied a research problems in financial and management accounting, and prepare strategies for their solution
Learning objective 2: Demonstrate an understanding of applied research methods
Learning objective 3: Collect and analyse accounting research data using applied research methods
Learning objective 4: Use correct Harvard referencing
1. Read the article Why is it socially acceptable to be an accountant? accountant/6549994
Comment on the information you would like to obtain from reading the study so that you could determine whether the findings are valid. Outline the information you would require and why that information would be useful in assessing the validity of the study.
2. Find a qualitative business study in the journal Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management
(please do not use any articles mentioned in the lecture or included on the Study Desk).
a. Briefly describe what the study seeks to understand (ensure you provide the reference for the study you have used).
b. Identify how theory is used in the study you have chosen and provide the name of the theory that is used.
c. Explain the different approaches to using theory in qualitative studies.
3. Review the study by Huang, Lin and Huang (2012)
a. What gap in previous research does the study seek to explore?
b. The abstract states "Learning style is traditionally assumed to be a predictor of learning performance, yet few studies have identified the mediating and moderating effects between the two". Explain what is meant by a mediating and a moderating effect.
c. What are the suggested mediating and moderating effects in the study?
d. The study identifies three control variables. Explain the meaning of control variables and why it is important to identify control variables.
e. Explain the meaning of independent variables in quantitative studies.
f. Identify the independent variable/s in Huang, Lin and Huang's (2012) study.
4. Read the article Financial planner says successful farmers have similar strategies.
It would seem that Paul Halligan relied on data in coming to his conclusions. What strategy do you think he has used to come to his conclusions? What research steps would you suggest he undertook in order to be able to say a research approach has been used to generate the conclusions?
5. Read the article Why it pays to wear expensive clothes. clothes/news-story/c8024f71cbe81389177568f4e943360b
a. What research approach has been used for the study?
b. Comment on the validity of the findings in relation to the approach to the research.
6. Distinguish between the different types of issues/questions that research using qualitative and quantitative approaches seek to address.
7. Provide a brief description of the following sampling methods and include an example for each method:
a. Simple random sample
b. Stratified random sample
8. Appropriate presentation and correct referencing using the Harvard style.
What are the best possible noise margins you could expect
: For a particular inverter, the basic technology used provides an inherent limit to the small-signal, low-frequency voltage gain of 50 V/V. If, with a 2-V supply, the values of VOL and VOH are ideal, but VM = 0.4VDD, what are the best possible valu..
Communication is of utmost importance in diverse teams
: Remind both managers and employees of the benefits of a culturally diverse workgroup.
What measures are employed to evaluate performance
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What value of voltage gain in the transition region
: For an inverter employing a 2-V supply, suggest an ideal set of values for VM, VIL , VIH , VOL, VOH,NML,NMH. Also, sketch the VTC. What value of voltage gain in the transition region does your ideal specification imply?
What are the suggested mediating and moderating effects
: Find a qualitative business study in the journal Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management - What are the suggested mediating and moderating effects in the study?
How information is disseminated throughout the organisation
: Evaluate the criteria or mechanisms used by the organisation for deciding how best to acquire capital and analyse the capital structure of the company.
Find the worst-case values of the noise margins
: Assuming that the inverter is in the logic-1 state 50% of the time and in the logic-0 state 50% of the time, find the average power dissipation in a typical circuit. The power supply is 5 V.
Identify a primary target audience for that product
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Methods of irrigation to the plots
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