Reference no: EM133174868
MSWPG7108 Social Work Practice with Groups and Communities - Federation University Australia
Field Education: Portfolio Assessment
Activity - Critical analysis of policy, funding and legal context of practice
All policies and funding for services are based on a set of assumptions or ideas. Some are explicitly articulated, while others are not. This activity is about drawing out and analysing the assumptions that models or frameworks build into these policy and funding arrangements. You need to identify and then critically analyse these assumptions in the policies and funding arrangements for your placement agency.
For example, some policies and funding arrangements are built on an individual approach to social needs. Others may take a structural/social change approach. Some funding takes a neo-liberal market approach to delivery of services linked to a specific individual, while others will fund the organisation for providing services.
This section is examining what are the strengths of the policy and funding frameworks that relate to the placement agency's program, the limits of each and examining alternatives. Students must go beyond merely describing the policies and funding models, and be able to critically analyse them while comparing and contrasting alternatives. You are encouraged to discuss this task in their field education supervision.
To undertake this task, you should conduct research utilising academic and professional literature to critically analyse social policy and its application to your context of practice.
The following trigger questions will help to guide your critical analysis of the funding and policy context:
• Outline the funding, policy and legal context of the agency/service
• Where does the funding of the agency/program come from?
• What requirement does the funding impose on the agency for service delivery and/or service standards?
• List the key policy document or frameworks specific for the field of practice that the agency/program is delivering (Family Services, NDIS, Emergency Relief, Domestic violence etc) and/or is the key legislation/policy that is relevant to your program
• What model or assumption are built into funding and /or policy framework
• As a result of the policies/funding outline at least three key impacts these has on service delivery?
A critical appraisal of funding and policy contexts
• What are the strength of this model or framework?
• What are the constraints of this model?
• Compare this model with an alternative model (eg macro versus micro, individual versus structural change)
Make bad economic and fiscal decisions
: For a long time, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has had its supporters and detractors. In this discussion, the opportunity to consider some of the IMF's
Critical analysis of agency models for practice
: Critical analysis of agency models for practice - Outline at least one macro or social change theory and how it might apply to your work in the agency
Critically analyse an assessment and intervention plan
: Critically analyse an assessment and intervention plan for a client, group, community context or social need in relation to your placement work
Principles of management
: 1)Why do you think that making progress ranks as the most important factor contributing to motivation, according to recent studies? How can managers provide a s
What are the strengths of the policy
: Critical analysis of policy, funding and legal context of practice - critically analyse these assumptions in the policies and funding arrangements
Joining a partnership
: 1. What do entrepreneurs do that distinguishes them from any other person involved in business?
Discuss the hague rules-hague-visby rules
: In detail, and by providing 5 examples, discuss the Hague Rules, Hague-Visby Rules, and the Rotterdam Rules as related to ocean transport.
How employees operate at a high ethical standard
: If you were the CEO of a company, how would you ensure employees operate at a high ethical standard?
Principles for setting and evaluating health policy
: The right to health must be enjoyed without discrimination on the grounds of race, age, ethnicity, or any other status. Non-discrimination and equality require