What are the strengths and weaknesses of each technology

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132539142

Assignment: This goes along with the other assignments for Apple Inc.

Part 1: We've learned how big of an advantage that technology can be in today's business environment. Every major strategic management goal will make use of multiple types of technology during implementation. In this assignment, you will need to create a presentation for the upper management at your chosen course project business. The presentation will focus on suggesting two pieces of technology that you feel are essential to the implementation of your chosen strategic management goal. This presentation will be in PowerPoint and requires the recording of audio. Below is a detailed breakdown of what should be included in the presentation. Remember that presentations need to engage the audience through visual and auditory means. Use PowerPoint's features to accomplish this.

1. Create a title slide.

2. Summarize the goal you are trying to accomplish and the value it will bring to the business.

3. Identify two pieces of technology that you believe are essential to you accomplishing your chosen strategic management goal.

• What are the strengths and weaknesses of each technology?

• Why is each of these pieces of technology important to the implementation and execution of your chosen goal?

4. Provide research that supports your technology choices.

• Cite a minimum of 1 scholarly source.

• Include a final APA works cited slide.

5. Format the presentation so that it's engaging and employs advanced formatting features such as templates, transitions, charts, or video.

Part 2: The stage is set for your strategic goal to become a reality. Before that can happen, you'll need to think through and map out the tasks within the project. This assignment will focus on planning out the individual aspects of the project using the project management tools that you've previously learned. You will be able to use Word or Excel for this assignment. (Choose whichever you're more familiar with.) It's important to think through the goal you're trying to accomplish and how you'll reach it. The more detailed you can be with your tasks, the smoother the project management cycle will go. Your submission this week for Part 2 should accomplish the following:

• Create a basic chart that lists out at least 8 tasks required to complete your chosen strategic management goal and estimates on how long each will take to complete.

• Create a Gantt chart using the tasks listed in the previous chart.

• Create a network diagram using the tasks listed out in the previous chart.

• Analyze your created Gantt chart and network diagram. Identify two potential issues that may be a cause for concern when the project gets underway.

Reference no: EM132539142

Questions Cloud

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What are the strengths and weaknesses of each technology : Summarize the goal you are trying to accomplish and the value it will bring to the business. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each technology?
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Discuss about the country health system : Your initial thesis and outline for your course project presentation are due this module. Your outline will be the skeleton from which you will write your.
Discussing the concept of utilitarianism : Discussing the concept of utilitarianism. After reviewing the background materials, consider an ethical issue that occurred in a business setting


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