Reference no: EM132647883
Autism Program Environment Rating Scale Self-Assessment
The Autism Program Environment Rating Scale-Preschool/Elementary (APERS-PE) is an environmental assessment designed to be used by an outside observer for program improvement and/or research. The full version of the APERS includes 64 items, a complex scoring system, and requires at least 4-6 hours to complete.
This self-assessment companion tool is comprised of selected items from the APERS presented in a simpler, more straightforward format that can be scored much more quickly and easily. Using this tool, teachers can self-identify strengths and challenges in their own classrooms and programs. This information, in combination with a report from an outside observer using the complete APERS environmental assessment, enables teachers and coaches to gather information about program quality, and to develop a focused plan for program improvement.
Just like the APERS environmental assessment, this self-assessment companion tool is organized into 11 domains and the scores will result in a visual profile of classroom quality.
Scoring Directions:
For each item, check the box that corresponds with the statement that best describes your classroom or program. If you feel that the statement does not provide an entirely complete or accurate portrayal, use the notes column to more specifically describe your classroom or program.
(1) Identify which questions ask about environmental arrangement. What are the strategies identified in the self-assessment as important for effective for environmental arrangement?
(2) Assume you don't have knowledge or work in a classroom/program for children with ASD reflect on how you would use the program to help develop and assess your own work. Give your sources please.
Attachment:- Autism Program Environment Rating.rar