What are the strategic justifications for your firm

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131488598 , Length: 4

Finance Simulation: M&A in Wine Country

This preliminary report is to be typed and turned in at the beginning of class next week. Please provide thoughtful discussion addressing the following questions. Answers to qualitative questions should be at least half a page in length.

1. What are some key financial differences between the three companies in the simulation?

2. What are the strategic justifications for your firm to undertake a merger (either as acquirer or target) within the economic context of the simulation? That is, what are the pros for your firm to either acquire or be acquired by another firm? Why does a merger make sense in this industry at this time?

3. value Bel Vino andiStarshinelusing market multiples. How did you decide which comparable companies to include in your analysis?

4. What are the reservation values you calculated? Briefly justify your reservation prices. Provide screen shots of your APV and WACC models for both Starshine and Bel Vino.

5. What is your initial bidding/negotiation strategy?
a. Do you want to be an acquirer or target? Why?
b. Specify your choice of merger partner and initial offer price (or price you hope to receive as a first offer).
c. What is the rationale behind the choice of target, your opening bid and your overall bidding strategy? The answer to this question should include a justification of your opening bid/ask price per share.

Reference no: EM131488598

Questions Cloud

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Describe the logic behind the npv : This Mini Case is available in MyFinanceLab. Microfinance Company Alfa Cash Capital had financial problems recently. According to independent auditors' report.
How does femas infrastructure protection plan address : What do they in common? How does FEMA's Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan address key requirements set for by Clemente (2011)?
What are the strategic justifications for your firm : What are some key financial differences between the three companies in the simulation?
Brief back ground of the business operations : Brief back ground of the business operations. Motivations for the firm to expand their operations in the Asian markets.
How do sunk costs affect the determination of cash flows : Why do we focus on cash flows rather than accounting profits in making our capital-budgeting decisions? Why are we interested only in incremental cash flows.
What is the value in using a simulation approach : In the preceding chapter we examined the payback period capital-budgeting criterion. Often this capital-budgeting criterion is used as a risk-screening device.
Reduce fatalities and traumatic brain injuries : Target Audience: Motorcyclist, Young People, government reps, family of motorcycle riders. Preliminary Thesis: Helmets can help to reduce fatalities.


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