What are the strategic benefits to an organisation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132446473

BSBLED802 - Lead Learning Strategy Implementation - Danford College

Activity 1 - What are the strategic benefits to an organisation in investing in learning and development?

Activity 2 - What is the Kirkpatrick model?

Activity 3 - Select and research a method of evaluating approaches to learning and workplace training. What contexts does the method apply to?

Activity 4 - How can participation in Vocational Education and Training within a workplace contribute to an organisation's competitiveness?

Activity 5 - What is an organisational learning strategy and why would you take the time to develop one?

Activity 6 - How could you embed social media into an organisational learning strategy?

Activity 7 - Research and describe one current organisational learning technology.

Activity 8 - How would you know if learner objectives have been met by a learning and development program?

Activity 9 - Go to training gov website. What information can you find there?

Activity 10 - Outline an approach that could be included in a strategy for organisational learning that provides flexibility for participation of a large number of part-time staff.

Activity 11 - What resources might you require to deliver a training session to 8 staff simultaneously?

Activity 12 - Discuss ‘how much" assessment is sufficient to determine someone is competent.

Activity 13 - Read through Additional Readings:
Factors influencing the implementation of training and learning in the workplace, NCVER.
What are the key findings in terms of barriers to implementing a learning strategy?

Activity 14 - What is the purpose of validation and whose responsibility is it to conduct it?

Activity 15 - Select 3 units of competency and locate a commercially available resource for each.

Activity 16 - Outline an Educator engagement strategy. Describe fully a method by which Educators can be engaged in an organisational context to determine how well learning strategies are working.

Activity 17 - Select one of the listed "External Resources and Links" and access the website. Outline what the organisation does and the information the website contains then describe how that information can assist you in monitoring and incorporating national policy and system changes into organisational learning and development strategies and practices.

Activity 18 - Suggest possible improvements, adjustments or accommodations for each of the following situations:
(a) Students have difficulty finding the main idea or identifying important information in the text (either listening or reading comprehension)
(b) Students have difficulty understanding what they should learn from a lecture or discussion.
(c) Students have difficulty taking notes and remembering the ideas.
(d) Students have difficulty understanding the directions.
(e) Students are confused by complex instructions and materials.


After completion of this unit the student have better understanding of:
• research and evaluate models and approaches to organisational learning to support strategic requirements
• examine and review organisational policies and procedures relevant to training and assessment
• develop consultation and communication processes to support and encourage personnel input into design, implementation and review of organisational learning strategy including:
• planning technological and systems requirements
• creating in-built flexibility for change in organisational priorities
• implementing appropriate processes
• initiate and implement learning program partnerships in line with relevant regulatory, employment and organisational requirements
• source learning resources or assessment tools, and modify if required, to meet requirements of organisational learning strategies
• implement plans for improving organisational learning strategies.


Knowledge Assessment

1. What are some of the benefits of work-based learning?

2. Identify and discuss the potential benefits of a formal mentoring relationship. Record your ideas

3. What are some of the challenges you may encounter in developing and implementing a learning plan?

4. What is the role of the Trainer in a Work-based Learning program?

5. Outline 2 key factors that must be considered in setting up the work based learning environment.

6. Who is regulated in relation to apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria?

7. Why should units of competency be analysed?

8. What is the purpose of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015?

9. In your job role and the section in which you work in (your practice environment), consider ideas for possible learning programs you may choose to design. Write down any ideas about what you might like in it, subjects, skills, knowledge, tasks or competencies that might need to be included. Keep this information as a starting point for ideas of learning programs.

Research this need for learning programs in your area of expertise. Discuss with your colleagues, manager, clients or other trainers to explore what actually is required to be developed. Perhaps there is a client request for a new learning program or a review and update of an old program that is required. Is there a Learning and Assessment already available that requires a learning program to be developed? Or Is there a professional development need in your workplace?

Try to exploit opportunities to develop learning programs for actual workplace learning needs.

10. What should be included in a Learning Program?

11. With regard to OHS/WHS what questions should you be asking about the planned learning environment?

12. A person's age may affect how they learn, and how they interact with other learners. What are the effects of a person's age on how they learn?

13. What strategies could you employ to account for cultural differences in learners?

14. How would you go about determining content for the learning program?

15. State 2 considerations when planning segment timings.

16. How would you go about using the packaging rules to meet client needs?

17. State 3 different purposes that a learning program may be developed for.

18. What delivery options may be included in a learning program?

19. The learning program needs to be reviewed against criteria that key stakeholders deem appropriate. What would you evaluate during a review?

20. What is an organisational Learning Strategy?

21. In competency-based assessment, what is evidence?

22. Describe the principles of assessment.

23. What are the rules of evidence?

24. Provide example of each assessment method:
Direct observation
Structured assessment activities
Evidence compiled by the candidate
Review of products
Third party feedback

25. Why is trialling assessment tools important?

26. What are the benefits of independent validation?

27. Who should be involved in validation activities?

28. List 5 assessment methods

Task 1 - Learning Strategy Development and Implementation

You are to submit a portfolio for this assessment. You will need to plan how to collate the documents relevant to each client and ensure that these are labelled clearly in the portfolio.

This assessment task requires leading strategy formation; designing, developing and implementing an organisational learning strategy; and reviewing and improving overall organisational learning and development. The assessment task may be completed utilising a business you have access to or utilising a simulated business. In either case, the assessment must take place in an environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the workforce learning and development field of work and include access to:

• organisational policies and procedures
• office equipment and resources
• business technology
• case studies and, where available, real situations
• interaction with others
• information on current training and assessment requirements.

• Determine what education is needed for new hires, and what is needed for long-term employees. If employees need to attend certain classes at a college or university to keep up their certifications, management should ensure that they are encouraged to take these classes, and even reimburse employees for them once the classes have been satisfactorily completed.

• Determine the best way to deliver the education program. This depends a great deal on the corporation's education budget. Do they have the funds to commission a training program put together on video or computer by an organization that specializes in devising such lessons, or do they prefer to work in-house and have a live individual deliver the training with the aid of PowerPoint slides, for example.

• Ensure that training programs are offered not only for management, but also for the general workforce. Institute a strategy to measure the success of all educational programs. Are employees taking advantage of optional computer classes, for example, or is the class being delivered to only a couple of people at a time? If this is the case, the class should not be cancelled, but efforts must be made t find out why employees are not showing an interest in such classes designed to help them improve themselves in their job!

• Any effective corporate learning strategy depends on communication between the instructor and the learner, between the top management instituting these training classes and the individuals, and between the management and general workforce to ensure that classes are being made available to them in subjects that they want and need to learn.

Follow these instructions to prepare your assessment portfolio:

1. Arrange to have access to information about the training and assessment services offered by a specific RTO as well as any documentation relating to their policies and procedures. You are required to submit various documents in your assessment portfolio; you should ascertain whether the RTO maintains forms, templates or checklists that you can use as part of your assessment. You may need to undertake preliminary research to develop your knowledge of the client's industry or sector. This could involve familiarising yourself with the relevant training package, reading information from professional associations or peak bodies and checking media sources and the client's website for background information about their history and operations.

The various pieces of information and documents that you gather as you conduct research, consult with stakeholders, interview clients and draft the learning programs may be appropriate for inclusion in your portfolio of evidence.

2. You are required to gather information about a client who is inquiring about the training and assessment services to be implemented in their organisation as workplace delivery programs.

You could gather the information by conducting an interview with an actual client or in a role play with a colleague who performs the role of a client who has engaged wants you to provide training and assessment services for their staff.

Your goal in the interview is to gather information that you can analyse in order to propose and develop a learning program that will satisfy the client's training and/or assessment needs.

During the interview, you should plan to discuss the following aspects of training and assessment:

? The stakeholders in the learning program (what are their expectations of the training, do they have suggestions for the learning outcomes, what contribution could they make to the delivery of training?)
? The client's training and assessment needs
? Characteristics of the target learner group
? The client's preferred delivery methods
? Assessment requirements - does the client have a preference for the method of assessment or whether it will result in a qualification?

Use the template supplied as Consultation outcomes to record the outcomes of the consultation process.

3. Use the information you have gathered from the client to develop an action plan that you will follow to design and develop the learning program. You should use the proforma supplied as Action Plan.

4. Select one unit of competency from the qualification you have recommended to the client.

Unpack the competency standard to explain how successful completion of this unit will contribute to meeting the client's needs. Remember that at this stage, your client is the organisation (rather than the individual learners). Use the template supplied as Unit of Competency Unpacking to unpack the unit of competency.

5. Follow your learning program plan to develop the complete learning program. Remember that at least one of the learning programs for assessment in this unit must be for an entire unit of competency. You will need to identify risks that could impact on implementation of the learning program and develop appropriate contingencies. In preparing the learning program, you may use the format preferred by your training organisation, or else the proforma found in the Appendices as Learning program.

6. You must contextualise one of the units of competency that is to be delivered and assessed for one of the learning programs.

You may use a table to record your plans to contextualise the unit to satisfy the client's needs whilst also achieving compliance with the training package or course developer's contextualisation guidelines. A template is supplied as Unit of competency contextualisation.

7. You must submit an assessment plan that outlines how you intend to gather evidence of learning outcomes and competency. The assessment plan must include information about the assessment method that will be used to gather evidence. You should also identify how the assessment instrument will be contextualised

8. Write a short report (approximately 750 words) where you describe the process you followed to develop the subject content. Your analysis of your process should incorporate details on how you applied an instructional design framework to write the learning program, content and learning activities to reflect the principles of adult learning. You will also need to explain how you incorporated the dimensions of competency in the learning program.

9. You must submit in your assessment portfolio an evaluation of resources that could be used to implement the learning program for a complete unit of competency. Your final resource selections should have been recorded in the learning program. A template is supplied as  Unit of competency contextualisation.

10. You are to consult with stakeholders to gather feedback on the learning programs. Your RTO may have a template or proforma document on which to record their feedback, or else you may choose to use the template provided in the Appendices at Resource evaluation.

Reference no: EM132446473

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