What are the steps in the juvenile justice process which

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Reference no: EM13460385

Imagine that you are an attorney, specializing in juvenile justice cases. You receive a phone call from Mrs. I whose 15-year old has been arrested for stealing a car, driving without a license, and finally crashing it into a storefront. Mrs. I is distraught and concerned that her child will be held in the county jail and abused. The maximum sentence that can be assessed is 6 years in prison to a minimum of 200 hours of community service and 2 weeks in the county's boot camp program. Please answer the following questions. As you answer each question you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic criminal justice articles or real-life criminal justice findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must be cited in supporting your answers. Please use APA style for all cited sources including your resource page.

• How will you respond to Mrs. I? Provide a small narrative if necessary to demonstrate your approach toward the client.

• What are the steps in the juvenile justice process that must be taken to defend Mrs. I's teenager? Provide steps and how you would approach making sure every step is handled for this case.

• In your opinion. If you were the judge, how would you judge and sentence this case, understanding that the 15-year old committed the crime described?

Reference no: EM13460385

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