What are the stakeholder issues

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133339334

Topic: Company is groupon

ethical issue is Groupon aired new advertisements during the Super Bow. The commercial starring actor Timothy Hutton, began with him discussing the human rights issues in Tibet stating that "Their very culture is in jeopardy". However he then follows this by saying "But they still whip up an amazing fish curry" whilst eating Tibetan food purchased via Groupon. The ad received a lot of backlash for its exploitation of Tibet resulting in the ad being pulled just four days later.

Questions: Could you please answer the following?

  • Discuss the ethical issue that brought them into the public attention - be their response positive or negative. Discuss the issue and what happened? Who are the stakeholders?
  • Identify three, do a basic stakeholder analysis, and then analyze all three with one stakeholder tool as discussed in the text. What are the stakeholder issues? stakeholder issue salience analysis and matrix.


Reference no: EM133339334

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